If you alt f4 out of the game, it keeps running so that 2 hours pass on Steam and you cant refund it. The retarded scum developers cant even make proper inventory or explanation. I picked up throwing knives. HOW DO I ASSIGN THEM TO CONTROLLER DOWN ARROW KEY, SO I CAN USE THEM IN REAL TIME??? Retarded fucking game.

Attached: FromFaggotware.png (1928x2160, 3.46M)

you have an account alert, fag.

Based and by design to make little bitch boys commit and try to persevere rather than get curb stomped once and run to refund

Theres a good game its called Severance Blade of Darkness, but you are a shit eating darksouls fan, so for you elden rinkg is based))

How is it based to make a nonsencial inventory system? I acquired throwing knives. if i want to use them in game during combat, i have to manually open the inventory, manually select throwing knife and select "Use"

uhh bro? your steam account?

average anti lmao

>alt f4 ragequits like a little crybaby
>gets filtered so hard he gets mad at the video game

Hey Evil Tiger, you have an account alert.

I tried every button on the controller, it does not work

Attached: FromFaggotware1.png (863x458, 363.81K)

This is the worst bait. Kill yourself.

actually, ALL games that use EAC anti-cheat do this. I've noticed that whenever I alt-F4 Hunt Showdown, Lost Ark, and Elden Ring they leave a process in the background that has to be force closed before any other game that uses EAC can be opened.

Don't care, it works on my ma

What's that account alert for OP?

jesus christ i have never seen someone so retarded

Evil Tiger (Raping Women)

kill yourself

vac ban

>using a computer
>not keeping all the processes in check

no you don't you fucking mongoloid
there are multiple quickslots you can assign them to

Lol. Who is worse nintendo switch based boys or from software fans? The game literally keeps running if you ALT-F4 out of it, it is malware.
I played Hunt 200 hours never had that happen.
Not bait. I tried EVERY BUTTON ON THE PS4 CONTROLLER to try and move this item to what can be naturally assumed as the "row with the items that you can switch between with the PS4 controller down arrow button". This bullshit does not work and this is genuinely one of the worst inventory systems I had the displeasure of interacting with (I've played a few thousands of games)
RDR2 Community ban

If the play button is green steams not tracking the time

Go to "Equipment" and equip it in the item row

cry more, get mad. dumb fuck.

Nope, get them along with the health potion, select them by pushing dpad down, once selected just hit square (or x if you are on xbox) and it will throw knives

Actually it was blue cancel and in the Processes Just didnt print screen in time. The game ran after I alt f4'd and I had to manually close it in Task manager

you share a board with this kind of "players"

Elden Ring really broke the shitposters, didn't it?

I really hate jap games and japs.
They are racist against all non-japs
They are pretentious as fuck

Reminder that pretending to be retarded is still being retarded

You have an account alert.

Ill try this game again after lunch. If it really doesnt work in any way to move the dagger into real time inventory, then im going to refund it. I really hate when developers do this kind of bullshit.

Stupid fucking schizos, it closes itself within a minute

holy shit user, you should be made into soup. The energy required to keep you alive is no longer worth it