Holy shit how do i kill these crucible knight fuckers in auriza hero tomb

Holy shit how do i kill these crucible knight fuckers in auriza hero tomb

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fight alongside yourself of course

You don't, fighting one of these cunts is bad enough

what is that fog wall made of?
I imagine it to be a potent brap miasma that we walk through and the stench enveloping us is why the bosses instantly attack us as we are covered in a most mucculent stench. mmm

where is that user?

Near entrence to royal capital

is it that shit dungeon with the traps thingy who one shot you?

Yeah you have to dodge those rolling charriots but thats nothing compared to the boss

>accept beast dude invitation finally
>see that big ass fucker outside the door
>say fuck it, might as well try
>doesn't take much damage, but stagger him like a bitch
>90k fucking runes from killing him, highest i'd seen so far was Renalla at 40k or so

nah fuck the charriots literally the worst design in elden ring

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One by one.
Or press the I win button (summon mimic tear)

can I get the right version of the crucible armor? that's rad

Yes in the secret area.

Doesnt work on Miquella

>that shit dungeon
there are multiple dungeons like this
i found it when i was a bit overleveled, my weaponart took away like 70% of both of their hp.

>there are multiple dungeons like this
yes and they are all terrible fuck that shit mechanic

The one where you ride the shitty death chariot down the lava was neat

Rolling under her works like a charm

Just wait til you get 480k for beating Malenia

bullshit u get 1 shot with 40 vig

If you're so bad at rolling use the ring that doubles the i-frames on dodges.

I was able to mimic tear malenia because I use a colossal weapon we kept staggering her so she can't heal

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Why yes, I do use maxed mimic tear to beat the game with my double self caster, how could you tell?
Seriously, this game is about finding broken build to abuse the living shit out of the bosses