Be real with me Any Forums, how long am I going to have to wait for a PC port...

Be real with me Any Forums, how long am I going to have to wait for a PC port? It's clear that they have one in mind thanks to that Nvidia leak a while back. This is the only Playstation game I truly want to play right now.

Attached: GT7.jpg (1040x1040, 123.82K)

Attached: tomaco_fentanilo_Floyd_simpsons.png (584x421, 236.68K)

A year for the EGS version
3 for Steam
And you will never, ever get to have those juicy preorder bonuses

just play iracing or assetto corsa, if you genuinely give a shit about cars and have a PC

>And you will never, ever get to have those juicy preorder bonuses
And so what?

>You will bever get to ruin your gameplay progression with free money and cars

God bless. If i wanted that zoomer instant gratification shit id play forza.

A pc port is possible. I think two years probably? Who knows

what would be the point? we've known for quite a while now that 'the real driving simulator' is more of an arcade racer taken to its limits, still has the worst engine sounds in the industry, tire model (if anything like gt sport) is going to be dull and unresponsive, game is not built around force feedback controllers, etc.
why would you want it on the platform that has legitimate simulators?

Gt7 is improved on gt sport.
But as someone who races irl, the way gt js arcadey js more realistic than the way forza tries to sim. Aa far as engine sounds, id rather take each car handling like the real one. Forza is obviously quantity over quality and not a single car in forza has felt like its real world counterart did for me on track. Its been all copy wiki numbers and be done with it. Many cars are completely off compared to hw they are in reality based on real measurments that they obviously didnt take.

I imagine it’s for the same reason people on console still play forza and gran turismo instead of Assetto Corsa Competizione

Fuck this was meant for

I broke my TV playing VR and I don't have a PS5. I can wait.

problem with ACC is they still haven't managed to figure out a proper matchmaking system that will keep retards out of your race (every improvement they brought to that game was basically lifted from an AC mod)
when compared to the original assetto corsa it also has 0 modding capability (strictly speaking for the PC), so in general interest will be lower for it, considering you can drive just about any car on earth with the original
>half of AC's community is driftcar/jdm shit
>make a strictly blancpain gt3 game
>be surprised when it doesn't sell nearly as well and the steamcharts are better on the older game

They offer different experiences. Acc is great but you gotta be in it to play gt racing. No games offer good historic or grassroots. Gt and forza try.

2 Years max, snoy is going all in on porting their games.

Game will probably fizzle out after the first week on Playstation, so probably between 6-12 months.

Just like gt sport did that has a core fanbase to this day.


Maybe Sony can prove me wrong . But sim racing even on pc is not popular

Because it has a fun campaign mode, which most simulators don't have. Also, while GT is not the most realistic out there at all, to call it straight up an arcade racer is insane.

This. They shouldve just remade ac and added car customization and a real open career mode rather than focusing on what every single other sim does.

Gt has good optimization for controller
Has a good tutorial for beginners on entry level of sim racing
With driving assist, it is not hard at all

>Game will probably fizzle out after the first week


oh, sweaty…

this is console, where players actually value their vidya. lets set aside the fact its mostly adults who pay for their games, no filthy pirate kids here

Gran Turismo is a flagship title. not throwaway like shitty Forza or Cars or whatever other rinky dink racing dross is on the market

this game will grow and blossom for years to come. its a celebration, one thats revered by gamers and actual racers/enthusiasts alike. the Pokemon of racing, the full package. a love letter

its a closed pool, and PC shitters and Xbots are not invited

and that? that is a glorious, wondrous thing.

Please stop falseflagging.

>He's an ESL pony.
Lol. LMAO.

At least I play gt sport everyday online and never feel I cannot find the match.

>preorder bonuses
Yeah, because modding the game to give you shit that you have on your drive but is locked by the game is impossible.