Margit from Elden Ring

Holy fuck, cant believe that he filtered darksouls babies so much
>Nooo how dare he is making delayed swings, he should make only normal attacks when I am rolling around like a retard
>Nooo he shouldnt be doing unpredictable combos, its too much to handle!
>I cant beay him without summon spirits...its the game fault, its forcing me to use easy mode, they made him impossible otherwise I swear mooooooooom!

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I never liked the idea of elden ring and when it began gaining traction I realized what piece of anti-white garbage propaganda it truly was going to be.

>get to him pretty easy
>start off pretty good, but slowly get frustrated
>decide to cool off and explore
>come back and beat him 2nd try

Really don't understand the problem desu

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I think it's hilarious that people are bitching about it.
>How was I supposed to know I had to spend 8 hours roaming the countryside to become high enough level to fight an unbeatable monster that I can't beat even when summoning two other players?
Meanwhile, people are posting Youtube videos of speedruns where they start the game, run straight to Margit without getting items, upgrades, or levels, and then just beating him to death in under 6 minutes of total time played.
The people complaining are guide babbies anyway, so there is no reason they shouldn't be getting the item that, when used during this fight, causes him to be chained to the ground so you can just club him to death.

Killed Margit on second try.
The NPC is too tanky, and the jelly fish poison is too good against Margit.

I beat him with wolves. Wish I wouldn't have because he died quick as fuck

It's the stupid sekiro ogre all over again.

>getting the item that, when used during this fight, causes him to be chained to the ground so you can just club him to death.

You can buy an item off Patches that specifically binds Margit in place for a couple seconds once during the first half of the fight. It's usually enough to get a stagger in. Doesn't work once he pulls out the hammer.

the thing that really bugs me is when he jumps in the air to attack your summon and then randomly changes direction to hit you when you cant even see him

What the fuck are you talking about

Oh, cool. I've only beat Margit and Godrick so far but I haven't seen Patches yet. Where is he?

>people actually go straight to a boss that's supposed to be fought as the last thing you do in Limgrave
>people care more about comparing dick sizes than about all the great optional content and the sense of discovery and adventure

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Wow dude, you finally made it, you made me Kek

Took 4 tries to beat Margaret with the default greataxe, pretty fun ngl. Easy when you stop locking onto him

I didnt know he was the last boss of the area on account of exploring blind and bumping into him. Eat penis

Hi, it's me, a literal normal average human being with cognitive functions (unlike you, you dense fucking retard).

If you put a video game into your GameMaster System Pro(TM) and the video game you are playing has a little arrow that points you towards "Things you can do", and that arrow is pointing you towards the very first boss of the first level of the game, for 100% of people who have ever lived throughout history, there will not be a moment where they stop and say "Hmm, wait a minute. Maybe the game is lying to me and actually I'm NOT supposed to be here, I'm supposed to go around and do everything else and then come back here in 50 hours because clearly that's what this big glowing arrow means", because that's literally not a fucking cogent thought to have.

There is literally a fucking flashing neon sign that says "GO HERE, DO THIS THING" right from the first bonfire in the game. If the game was attempting to communicate that, actually that's wrong and this is the LAST thing you should do, then it certainly makes no effort to communicate that except for the fact that he he's a little bit of a tough fight.

On the limgrave map you can see a river that flows from the centre of the map to the north. There’s two caves, he’s in one of them ;)

I finally did it. I have become: Jane Elden Ring

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>Where is he?
Go into the lake, follow the river that flows north from it.

You'll eventually hit a section where it automatically dismounts you in front of a cave, which is because you're getting invaded by an NPC. Kill him, and then go in the cave.

It's an easy cave, no tough enemies. Just a boss fog wall.

Congrats. I'm gonna jerk off to this character.

A certain merchantboss sells a shackle that stuns Margit for the entire first phase.
I bought it blind, thinking it was an important quest item, and I have no regrets about using it.

>this game is so fun I literally can’t stop making posts about it, seriously all I want to do is tell others how good it is ugh
I am praying for some kind of disaster on From Software servers that bricks your machine.

Are you fucking serious? I did it first try as a Wizard with the NPC summon. That motherfucking summon tanked EVERYTHING.

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