Why did Miyazaki lie?

Why did Miyazaki lie?

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Is this a good time to buy the trilogy on Steam?

Because From is as bad as Call of Duty devs when it comes to making the same game over and over but they get a free pass for some reason.
They can just make games that are blatantly Dark Souls in gameplay and aesthetic but call it something else

Because it did. Elden Ring is a new franchise.

What exactly did he lied about?

I thought they're finally moving away with Sekiro but they just went back in.

god im so done with soul series they were never fun, bring back bloodborne and sekiro

>>Because From is as bad as Call of Duty

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Didn't Miyazaki explicitly say that they weren't planning on making another game in the Dark Souls universe?

And Elden Ring looks like a worthy successor anyway (once the performance issues have been ironed out).

he hasn't made a souls game in 6 years ;)

Darksouls 2: II when

Does that mean it's Armored Core time?

I'm fully convinced Sekiro was a glorified tech demo to test their sneaking and mounting systems.

They both make the same game over and over with little to no changes and get sales and acclaim every time

Wait, did Dark Souls IIII get announced ?

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Retarded Fromdrone.

Dark Souls 4 came out the start of this month

Said Darksouls, not soulslike.

Its march now, Elden ring came out 4onths ago retardq

>end of February = months

its kinda crazy how the latest pokemon game is a bigger departure from the core formula than elden ring is from dark souls

dark souls is a trilogy of demon's souls clones and so is bloodborne and elden ring. he will continue making demon's souls clones forever.

I mean to be fair Elden Ring is on the cooker for a long time, possibly even planned before Sekiro was in production. I just hope ER will be the end to this janky Souls combat but i have my doubts, they made a fuckton of money and praise making the same-y jank games, why move on?

Why reinvent the wheel? They've perfected the formula and refine it with each new iteration.

>I thought they're finally moving away with Sekiro
how? sekiro is just a reskin of demon's souls in a different setting, just like bloodborne.

i think he should keep making demon's souls clones, they're good.

On the surface yeah but the gameplay is the furthest From has gone from Souls.

The soulsborne fanboys won’t let them be finished with Souls. Remember how everything shit on Sekiro because ‘muh builds’ and ‘muh epic build variety’? They just want the same game over and over.

sekiro was very successful