“I can’t help it that I’m ugly, I was designed that way

Sony design choices for their first party titles and supposed ‘console sellers’. Let’s talk about it! user-shill and sock accounts need not apply.

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she's not ugly to brown and black men.

Imagine releasing your meh-tier open world game like a week before Breath of the Wild and then releasing the sequel a week before Elden Ring.

Attached: keanuhole.jpg (587x545, 62.99K)

>I want sony to invest in long-term mascots like Nintendo and Xbox!
boy what a monkey’s paw wish that was

shes not ugly ingame she just isnt a flawless beauty. and anyway the games fun and shes not a nigger, meets my criterea.

Let's face it, you know something doesn't pass the sniff test when female shills that claim it's "misogyny" to claim anything otherwise that she was born a goddess and is an example for all. Especially when you need 3 or 4 different accounts to talk, agree and ultimately circle jerk about the title.

I mean, even the developers know its bad. Why else would they do this? (Like with what they do with other games that preform poorly). It's like having the ugly chick stand next to the hot chick at prom for inclusion.

Attached: 1.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

Good game

Look at how they massacred my girl!

Attached: 17f50a7737695-screenshotUrl.jpg (3840x2160, 2.84M)

> and anyway the games fun and shes not a nigger, meets my criterea.
Slow down there partner, i don't care if you're a nigger or not. That's not my cup of tea. But for you to sit there and lie and say.. Oh the game is fun..
Please, tell us how its fun when its the exact same game from a few years prior?

Oh hello ugly snout, how are the copies sold

She would immediately look 90% more attractive simply by changing her hairstyle

Current one looks like Nico avacado and makes her face look wider

OP asked for no sock accounts. Will you post porn next with your sock accounts with all western art thats 100 times more pretty than the actual character is? Shall we prove you wrong?

She's pretty cute sometimes.
She's like that chick from Seinfeld who only looks good in certain lighting.

Attached: 17f523e133649-screenshotUrl.jpg (3840x2160, 1.51M)

No, shes a "100 yard" chick at best.
know what that is? It's a chick who may be hot at 100 yards away.
Except the closer you get, the less attractive she becomes.
...Just like the game she's from
> OH!

Normal people were never going to see this in normal gameplay and degenerate perverts are still going to rip the model and make their own copies of the model. Should have just ignored it.

Why did they do Aloy so dirty bros? She's so cute IRL

I have no idea why they even redesigned her. There was seemingly no point, I guess to keep people from bitching that it's "not realistic" that you barely see anything from. Now it's just marketing bullshit.

both games have sold well and indiering isnt even a big deal, botw was huge though. but neither seems to have hurt sales when you have a cool concept like robot dinosaurs. every big robot fight is way more fun than anything indie ring shit out and honestly its a lot more fun than botw bosses and enemy camps too. pity retards going by hype and overlooking this jewel.

Alloy is cute and if you met a girl who looked like her in real life who paid you attention you would simp for her.

god this thread sucks

"normal people"
didn't come out for the game as they were playing better "normal people" games. No one makes porn of Aloy as she's complete and utter garbage. Another stunning sony protag who has the personality of sand paper and the appearance of 3 day old spam sit in the sun.
The only way they'll get porn of aloy is like with Jill Valentine, a outsourced PR company at the behest of sony pays to have it created then spread around.

Wait did they officiall patch out the nipple texture? Fucking cowards.

That pic user posted is the patched version though. No one is going to rip the model without nipple details.