Comfy Elden Ring Criticism Thread

What went so horribly wrong?

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Your dad's not pulling out of that gorilla you call a mother. I warned him.

Id take the maiden’s maidenhood if y’know what i mean

Enemy attacks are all annoying

I'm trying to get the fingerprint grape from the invader by the church of inhibition. I've advanced the relevant quest line, but they aren't invading. I've tried absolutely everything but he isn't coming. Am I missing something, or did I screw something up?

What is that shit for? I got all the grapes and the fingerprint grape by chance but I think the bitch is dead.

Still got roll spam

>quit game
>sends you back to main menu
>have to wait 10s before you can actually quit
That's annoying
Other than that I'm having fun

The bosses and enemies in general have no rhyme or reason or pattern to learn. There is no "git gud" its an RNG fuck fest. There is nothing to learn or master. One attempt at a boss can be fully impossible and the next boringly easy. The same attack animation varies wildly as to when it executes. Its a big empty sandbox of artificial difficulty and recycled bosses and mob reskins and recolors. The "plot" is incoherent and scattered across item descriptions that you'll find in a totally random order. The story is an easter egg therefore it doesn't exist. Its horribly optimized and runs just as shitty on a Ryzen9/3090 as it does on a PS4.

It's frying my laptop.

Just quit game then alt+f4

What a petty complaint

Why can't Fromsoft make a game that isn't another reskin of Demon Souls?

Bugs, crashes, balance issues. Otherwise, best game of the decade so far

I feel the run button should be together with the jump button and not the roll.

What armor closest resembles Guts's? I've explored almost the entire map but the only main boss I killed has been Godrick and have no cool armors

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Filtered by another souls game... great job fag

I just beat Radahn and I felt absolutely nothing
It was just 10 minutes of running around on a horse, hoping that he doesn't spin into me when I'm out of stamina and I guess getting lucky with how much damage the summons did

I've attempted him about 30 times and not once did I feel like I could've done something better, I don't know if I played bad, it's just random flailing and getting clipped by attacks I can't see

In sekiro, beating genichiro for the first time made me feel like a god
In this game, beating bosses just makes me feel some relief that I don't have to spend more time on them

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Falseflag thread

>open world where all you do between going from point a to point b is horseback riding and spamming rb
>lopsided rewards, you can spend hours traversing the landscape only to find something shitty you'll never use
>rehashes dungeons and bosses
>music is more generic than before
>bosses used to tread the fine line of extremely difficult but somehow well balanced, now feels like From has ran out of ideas so hard that it's actually just shit design

Open world unironically sucks for souls game. Constant sense of being either overleveled or underleveled past godfrey or whatever his name was. And unironically, the world is too big, i have burnout ive never had in any souls games at the same amount of hours played, i think there shouldhave been less dungeons desu. Probably wont go for second replay

swap the button for jump and interreact around and you can run and jump very comfortably.

>achievement percentages for bosses on steam
Most of the endgame bosses are around 2%

I already beat this game user. 13 years ago.

Curse of all open world games: copypasted content.

Every area has the same:
>tree avatars

The world itself is gorgeous and fun to explore, but eventually you end up doing the same shit over and over.

Fuck didnt realise this board has usernames

There are less armor sets in this game than any previous one.

forgot pic

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