What is your HONEST opinion about this character

What is your HONEST opinion about this character

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i played alot of the gamecube era games and the ds one. assult was my first tps game
i love the wolf girl alot
>t.23 zoom



Looks like one of my aunts dogs

Do you mean krystal? Thats a fox bro

He's okay

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There is not enough love for panther.sad.

Disregarding Crystal constantly, maybe he's into Wolf?

furry dogs all look the same to me dude. is the wiiu game good? i missed out on it

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Its okay but nothing more.


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Isn't wolf responsible for his dads death like he caused it to happen

>Wolf, you are still dangerous, but you can be my wingman, anytime.
>Bullshit, you can be mine.

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hot gay furryman

They should make a multiplayer version where you fight your bros in space battles

SNES or bust. Fox doesn't talk much, and I like to think that's because he's really more interested in gunning as many people down as possible.

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No. James McCloud died of Pigma

i pray nintendo ports it to the switch. i really want to play it i love starfox games. every single one of them is good to me.

I like video games at more than 20 fps but to each their own

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