What are your expectations for the new Gran Turismo?

What are your expectations for the new Gran Turismo?

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Nice looking game with shit boring racing physics

it's going to be a gran turismo game for autists who like gran turismo, such as myself.
expecting it to be anything else is foolish

Photorealistic graphics, ray tracing on wet asphalt, go karts, realistic F1 heating and pit system
It's a fucking shame I don't have a ps5

gt sport 2.0

>It's a fucking shame I don't have a ps5
raytracing only in replays
all other features are the same except 60fps 4k

It'll be Sony's biggest live service game yet

Outdated gameplay in a series that should have stopped at the third game.

>It's a fucking shame I don't have a ps5
its coming to PC eventually

A game that had the potential to be good but is marred by shitty decisions like requiring constant internet connection for fucking single player and having some cars locked behind a randomized storefront that changes everyday.

Yeah lets add fortnite dances


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>Playing gran autismo

>always online

-10/10 - Never going to buy or play it.

Good, ngl.
GT's always been more for adults.

Can’t wait to pay actually money to pass license tests

>oi! You got a loisense for that Sunday cup, mate?

>no V-Bucks
>no Spiderman
>no cute emotes
>no crafting
Zoomer critique.

That's not a thing.
The micro-transactions that Sony """"""shoves in your face"""""" is a little text option when you buy a car that you can disable in your settings.


SO THIS.....IS THE POWER......OF THE PS5......


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that the servers go down in a few years and you will be stuck doing custom races after that, kek

Cars going fast

>servers will go down bro
>any day now
>2 more weeks
Get a new script chud

Needs a litersl crafting mechanic