This game is fun, but nowhere near a 10/10 game

This game is fun, but nowhere near a 10/10 game.

Its insulting that these faggots praised this game so much without even getting past the first few hours.
The game has some MAJOR fatal flaws, and basically didnt reinvent anything or bring anything really new to the series, unlike Bloodborne and Sekiro.

Its a great time killer sure and fun, but its not a 10/10, like at all.
and anyone that isnt a bandwagoning soulstard should be able to tell and realize this.

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its like a 7/10 for me, 8/10 at most

The game not supporting ultrawide aspect ratio pissed me off so immensly that I haven't been able to enjoy it. Stopped playing after 20min.

Nothing is above an 8. Not a single game. Every game is heavily flawed.

I never liked the idea of elden ring and when it began gaining traction I realized what piece of anti-white garbage propaganda it truly was going to be.

Peak tranny discord. Every thread with this.

It started off as a 6/10, but the further I got in its more of a 8/10 now.
Its a very solid game, enjoying it quite a bit now, and like it quite a bit more then DS3.

Ultrawide is a fucking meme.

All the MAJOR fatal flaws I've read on this site are nitpicks or extremely subjective opinions

Ultrawide is nice, not necessary but just nice.
Every single game supports it but this one doesn't. And then you're just sat there looking at your monitor backlight on the black letterbox.
At least give it a nice bezel like when playing Gameboy games on the SNES od something.
Plaster it up with all my Elden ring waifus

>Online is still the same garbage system used in fucking Demon souls (a game thats well over 10 years old) no changes or improvements whatsoever
>Online play removes the one brand new feature the game introduced (Mounts and Mounted combat)
>A good deal of bosses literally counter your every move by reading your inputs and some even switch attacks in the middle of other attacks just to fuck over your reads
>Quests are still as cryptic as ever, even more so now that NPCs are in even bigger and more hidden areas, looking for them is not fun when you barely get any directions whatsoever except something very vague or sometimes nothing at all. most of the time you find them by sheer luck or coincidence.
>Armor farming, which is gay as hell and basically you have to get lucky to get some armor if you dont deliberately go out of your way with some item finding build.
>Bosses with infinite stamina and instant recovery, while you remain as slow as ever and now even more vulnerable that shields borderline useless if you dont have ridiculous amounts of stamina, every boss seems to have a 10-hit combo + feints that also happen to track and punish rolls.

from the top of my head. Im like 60 hours in.

>but nowhere near a 10/10 game.
It's 10/10 in my opinion gigantic faggot.

you're easily impressed
Captcha: Y0SJW

What exactly did the open world add?

Nothing really, aside from eye candy, but thats it.

dude just gitgud lol

We got a git gud situation here lads.


Ocarina of Time is a 10

>He bought into the ultra wide meme
More games support Linux than ultra wide

>Anyone who disagrees with my opinion is peepeepoopoo

Have they fixed the stuttering?


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Very immense variation between playthroughs that creates a fun mouth-to-mouth discourse about the exploration. As well as ternative routes if you don't immediately care about the main plot