
yo this cover goes hard af.

Attached: 1643522987469.jpg (1200x1483, 418.32K)

Girl boss shit.

Looks cool

>FFXV team

hard pass

>RELEASE DATE: 24 May, 2022
I need it now sisters............


That's my birthday what the hell. I hope it isn't dogshit.

>I hope it isn't dogshit.
Your birthday or the game?

Sorry, its been delayed. Possibly even canceled.

Attached: 1643252133855.jpg (582x42, 12.55K)

Birthday obviously. Game will, without a doubt, be dogshit.

Wow what are the odds?!

Looks cool game

I'm a trans poc btw, not sure if that matters.

My penis goes hard as fuck into her vagina

>this will sell our game

black people do not buy videogames as they are generally quite poor, so attempting to appeal to them seems quite foolish.

its a dogshit cover, like all mainstream games.
game will be dogshit too.
game covers are just an extension of the massive problem with logos, where everything is boring and simplistic as fuck with no artistic thought or effort put into it.
can you imagine going to a game store today and picking games out based on their covers? fuck no, cause they're all generic and awful.
back in the 80s and 90s i picked dozens of games based on their covers alone to buy and ended up with a lot of good games. did the same for a bunch of albums, ended up finding a lot of good bands. same with books, although the problem is not quite as bad with books today as the others it's still there.
if your cover is ever just a realistic generic picture of your protagonist with no colour or life to it on top then bin it, game is awful.

Just like incels dont like sex appeal because they will never have sex. Enjoy!

Take your meds

Black on the box
Run like the pox

Attached: 325587456987.png (1066x964, 81.96K)

this you?

Attached: 1601324005301.jpg (1024x1024, 129.41K)

i do not believe that is even slightly relevant.

la luz extinguida

You know the game is great when the cover is just a bored person.

dis finna lit mu nuggums shet

jew trash

Awww that's cute. Stay pure and untouched lil incel.

Anyone else feel like this game is consciously being pushed out solely for woke points for square enix? It has no other conceivable raison d'etre, and I'm sure it devs are expecting it to flop (it will).

looks like a hard-on for a blm antifa terrorist

you seem quite obsessed with sex and incels. are you sure you arent projecting?

for a single second I though that the one in the boxart was xxtentacion wtf

Couldn't stop the game from being a flop. At least add some coomer dlc outfits. Maybe then Squeenix will make some money back.

Attached: Shit gameplay black people.png (500x560, 352.93K)

Maybe I am. Maybe I know one when I see one.

Why is everyone calling mixed people black?
Blacks call them mixed why doesn't V?

Hypersensitive racists