Brutally mogs Elden Ring

>brutally mogs Elden Ring

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even with the sequel shit i am looking forward to this

This is literally the only thing I'm looking forward to at the moment.

me too brother. just over a month to go.

>no prequel representation in the center
the audacity

This and Xenoblade 3.

Could the shilling be any more obvious here? Geez.

>t. tastelet who hates fun

you could argue Vader is the prequel rep

Kinda annoyed that they're not adding online co-op.
Also I'm a bit worried by some of the trailers, the frame-rate seemed a bit choppy in some clips. I'm really hoping that the final game isn't like that.

Fromtroon shills aren't welcome here

Let me guess, still no online multiplayer?

doesn't the Remote Play Together feature on steam basically allow for online coop?

doesn't seem to for some reason, why are TT like this? some of their games have online multiplayer and others don't, it's weird

Should do, but it's basically like streaming the game to another person.
I guess it could work. assuming both people have a good internet connection, but it's really not the same as proper online co-op.

I don't think Disney would allow that, they are absolutely seething that people like the prequels more than their sequelals.

>no online co-op
that's a yikes from me bro

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They do seem to be warming up to the prequels though, they made Clone Wars S7 after all, along with their 'High Republic' series - which somewhat ties into the prequels.

You could. You'd be a fucking retard, but you could.

ah i see, i've never used it before

Vader appears for like 3 mins in ROTS
A proper prequel rep would be Young Obi, Qui Gon or Maul

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Well once you beat the sequel shit once you can go back into Free Play with characters you actually like.
