Last boss of Bloodborne
>last boss of Bloodborne
>fast paced
>does good damage without fucking one shotting you
>fair and well telegraphed consistent attacks
>soft locks on to you and doesn't track you as hard, rewarding knowledge of spacing and timing to where you can straight up walk around most attacks without relying on i-frame roll spamming
>one of the first bosses of Elden Ring
>even more fast paced
>does insane damage for even sneezing wrong during their uninterruptible 10 hit autistic wailing combo
>hyper locks on and tracks you, no longer rewarding spacing, but forcing you to rely on i-frame roll spam
>constant delay attacks specifically designed to roll catch you (since that's your only defensive option anymore)

How are people okay with this when it's a clear downgrade? Dark Souls 3 does the same shit but it's not nearly this bad.

Gitgud faggots need not apply, I already beat him and am exploring Lucaria, I've just noticed this is a general trend with literally every single enemy and boss in the game and it's just tiresome.

Attached: 1615457503482.png (960x500, 800.94K)

Git gud, shitter

get good lmao

get good at suckin deez nuts

>Shitters complaining about Elden Ring difficulty were also filtered by Best Souls 3

Attached: Dodging Godrick.webm (1720x720, 2.93M)

now show us the rest of the clip, where the player gets bonked in the face with the axe hand for having hit him in an unacceptable window.
He almost always gets you with it if you arent super fast, and it looks like our boy there was using a slow weapon.

>game is harder
looks like an upgrade to me

this is not a skill issue, it's a fundamental design issue

every single boss in the entire game feels exactly the same
>roll through their combo
>get one hit in
>roll away because there's no way to do anything to them unless they're done with their next combo because the only time they have feedback is if you R2 spam them during the end of said combos

wow great game so much better

>Bloodborne shitter can't fathom anything but last minute reaction rolling as defensive option
Git Gud + L + Maidenless + Thou aren't of passing skill + filtered by Miyazakino

Attached: Elden Ring Elemer of the Briar.webm (500x280, 2.92M)

>>one of the first bosses of Elden Ring
>>even more fast paced
>>does insane damage for even sneezing wrong during their uninterruptible 10 hit autistic wailing combo
>>hyper locks on and tracks you, no longer rewarding spacing, but forcing you to rely on i-frame roll spam
>>constant delay attacks specifically designed to roll catch you (since that's your only defensive option anymore)

holy shit shut the fuck up

this is just keeping your shield up the whole time, this isn't good gameplay it's the reason sekiro and bloodborne don't have shields

>run away and interrupt attacks from 20 yards
Yeah, glad we don't have this any more.

>this is not a skill issue, it's a *proceeds to excuse his lack of skill*

>this is just keeping your shield up the whole time

>he doesn't know about guard counters
>he thinks pressing dodge to not die is good gameplay

So the game isn't hard?

Stop posting

Get gud. Simple.

>(since that's your only defensive option anymore)
Use a greatshield you dumb fuck

You're exhausting the git gud by countering inappropriately, you're running out of git gud.
Now git gud me even if you have no idea what i am.

Attached: 1395182812276.jpg (239x178, 14.79K)


>no argument
holy shit you shut the fuck up

Lmao might as well use summons too

Cope snoy


>no 20 random rolls per seconds
could this be the way of the git gud?

You don't have to use shields if you don't want to, point is there are more viable options than just rolling.

Where to get lightning greese?

>godrick the easy


This is really impressive, an actual good greatshield player. You actually rely on blocking, rolling, and running instead of just holding block. Good shit

>fast paced = good

Attached: 1512921633391.png (733x464, 97.29K)

Yes, unless you're one of those shitters that think this is good boss design

Attached: 1646278151661.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

>it's the reason sekiro and bloodborne don't have shields
Sekiro and bloodborne offer much more interesting def options which should be present in Bloodborne as well. Sidestep should be default moveset option, same with Sekiro's parry system for weapon fighting.