Play Japanese game

>play Japanese game
>god is evil
Why is this trope so common in Japanese media?

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because japan didn't grow up with christianity and in their own religion they have evil gods

Originality is a foreign concept to them.

You should play more japanese games or stfu. Just because it's more common than in the west doesn't mean it's common.

other than the megaten games what japanese games actually uses this trope? can Any Forums answer this question without resorting to memes

weebs mad

Because in Japanese culture there are many different gods and the unification of Japan was basically slapping every island into accepting Shinto as the main religion without removing their native ones.

>doesn't mean it's common.
but It is

Beware of the goo.

Attached: goo.jpg (1382x1073, 331.43K)

Because God is evil. That's why I don't have a gf

is it? Church bad is common but God bad (actually God), I can't name that many games

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Xenoblade Chronicles

It's less about hatred of religion in the real world and more about creating an all powerful being in the context of the game world that "makes sense"
I mean, what are your options for super-powerful beings?
>modified humans
That's basically it. Anything else is gonna look stupid as hell.

Only games I can think of are the Fire Emblem games. Jarpigs usually just have guys that obtain god-like power while warpigs have actual gods to contend with.


what about the "player"

Monster Girl Quest and Shin Megami Tensei are the only games I know that have the trope. It's also in Monster Girl Encyclopedia but that's not a game

why would a god need a form or a personality? if he's all knowing then wouldn't it make sense for everything here to be just a thought?

why didn't god have control over his own creations?

is it a god then?

The narrative is church evil not god evil. Japan for its longest history has not had a single unified church organization and many newer smaller protestant and NRM churches are cults to the public eye especially after events like the Tokyo Sarin attacks.

Because after second world war, Japanese authorities in general were, at the time, forced by the US to acknowledge only ONE god, rather than their existing shinto/bhuddist pantheon, as part of the general culture indoctrination.

Children and granchildren of that generation felt and feels a strong need to reclaim their animist heritage, and as such, decides to paint western monotheism as sheeps clothing for evil puppeteers that would, let's say, nuke two entire cities out of existence.

I'm honestly sick of seeing this trope. It's played the fuck out.

a god =/= creator deity

If there was only one god. wouldn't he have to be the creation deity?
also who created the world in Christianity, Islam and Judaism?