Is clearly better than Tekken especially the early games

>is clearly better than Tekken especially the early games
>not nearly as popular
what happened bros?

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It was popular enough back in the 90s to have an anime series and the villain of one X-Files episode obesessed over it.

The majority of fightan game sales come from people only care about brand recognition, character designs and how easy the game is to get into. Virtua Fighter is a fucking terrible game for mashing and has a rather bland-looking cast so it got lost in the pile. Also see franchises like KOF, Tobal and Killer Instinct that are widely considered to have superior gameplay, but still got buttfucked in sales compared to the big 3 (SF, Tekken, MK).
Also doesn't help that the IP is owned by the gang of incompetent chucklefucks known as SEGA.

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>is clearly better than Tekken especially the early games

virtua fighter looked and played way better in the arcade compared to everything else

Compared to VF, Tekken is way more entry level, has more iconic character designs and had the advantage of being on the PS1 during the golden age of fighting games (1990s).

Tekken, albeit a good series, is actually the weakest out of the main 4 3D fighting games (VF, DoA, Soul and Tekken itself).

Why does Any Forums hates tekken?

Tekken 5 happened, I dunno why but that game just stole nearly every VF player. Then a lot of VF players went over to SFIV.

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>the villain of one X-Files episode obesessed over it.
lol, what episode?

So is Sega going to make a VF6 or no? That VF5 re-release is already dead as a doornail from what I've heard.

it outlived every single of their dead weeb shit fighters that all got thoroughly shilled here

virtua fighter has looked janky as fuck compared to tekken since at least tekken 5

the fuck are you talking about
even the first VF looks smoother than the first handful of tekken games

nta but watching those two side by side really illustrates the importance of good sound design and hit effects. VF just looks so fucking soft compared to the satisfaction of Tekken matches.

i don’t know what to tell you man. did you even watch the videos you just posted? tekken is so much more fluid and virtua fighter still looks like it plays like a saturn game. and i don’t like shitting on virtua fighter since mechanically it’s very fun to play but it was dated 20 years ago

vf5 didn't even have netplay until 3 versions in
it's also just not a flashy game when compared to tekken or sf and it requires a lot more game knowledge to spectate

D.P.O the main villain was obsessed with Virtua Fighter arcade machines and killed anyone who got a better score than him using his power to control electricity

jack black was in it thats all i remember

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VF is not attracting the edgy fags. The characters are kinda bland compared to Tekken and has never had a proper story/background to catch up. I think they missed the train by not merging VF with Shenmue "soul" in the sequels.