Hi there, i'm the worst boss in the entire franchise

hi there, i'm the worst boss in the entire franchise.

yes, worse than gank squad.

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The further you get into the game the more it forces you to use the cheapest, most bullshit tactics to counter act the game's own cheap bullshit tactics.

I agree with this, I've played all the DS games and this is the worst boss out of all of them. I can't believe they had the stones to make this a mandatory fight.

yes, there is a solution to this bullshit.
I respecced to magic. For one fight. And I used the soul spears through the pillars cause they ignore collision. Even then, the fat fuck will do a roll attack that sometimes ignores the pillars, if it does it runs you over and you die.

I hated this fight so much. Didn't have mimic tear at the time.

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Every time a new souls game comes out it always supposedly has “the worst bosses”.
Just admit you’re mad because you’re getting owned and shut up. lmao

you have no idea how annoying they are, also they constantly chain spam blackflame fireballs if you don't get close, and if you are close they chain spam melee swings that one shot you. also, they each buff at 50% hp. And you have to kill them 4 times total. (2 each).

It's freeing in its own way, that Elden Ring stops pretending to be a functional action game and it becomes your bullshit against their bullshit.

people are saying this because the bosses really are getting worse lmao. From Soft managed to create an army of apologists for Miyazakis poor combat design, and Miyazaki leaned into those weaknesses as a result. DS1 was lightning in a bottle and we will never get that again.

here is a tip. use mimic tear, blood blade, and have your inventory only have health flasks and a fire paper buff item. the mimic will ONLY use what you have, so they can do bleeds as well as do lots of fire damage (useful in general).

bleeds chunk most bosses and mobs a lot in this game, they are probably the best infusion.

Nah i'll just learn their patterns and practice patience.

>godskin duo
if you are melee you better have the patience of a monk.

>Gank squad

you are a fucking Chump Lmao

Funny that the boss after this is total cancer as well.

>Bed of Chaos
>Lake Hydra
>Ceaseless Discharge

Yeah what a shame that we'll never have a game with a perfect boss roster ever again.

Sekiro and BB are much better than DS1

and? just hit ‘em and don’t get hit lmao

Fuck it, I'm going uchigatana with bloody slash. Should I put transform it into blood weapon and put points into arc? Not sure how the blood scaling works

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Why does everything hit you over 50% of your health?

Yes and?

I guess they want you to respec into vigor, cause armor seemingly is paper.

I beat Godrick and already am feeling a deep resentment towards this game. The lore is shit, the world is like Kingdom of Amalur, an empty MMO. The bosses are just aggressively a*tistic to the point where overcoming them is persistence just for persistence sake, they just scream and flail and shit themselves all day. Oh wow I got an entire TWO attacks in, better start up your braap whirlwind because it's just such a fuss when you don't get to make ten fucking attacks in a row. Oh boo hoo did we trade strikes again? Better freak the fuck out and make chugging through your inflated health pool take even longer.

Bloodborne and Sekiro were two huge steps forward and this game is three big fat shit smelling steps backwards.

>le difficulty to make our game keep the le hard meme

same nu-from shit. basically milking their boomer audience at this point cause they fall for it every single time

i mean fundamentally they use the same mechanics, but they play very differently from the Souls+ER games
and the souls+ER gameplay gets less and less fun each game as From tries to one-up themselves every time in difficulty without really shaking up the core gameplay to give the player options to deal with the ever-increasing bullshit.