Hero or villain?

Hero or villain?

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Villain forever because of introducing season passes, console DLC, and fucking console subs

He didn't introduce any of those things.



villain for saving the Xbox brand back in 2014, if only Microsoft had shutdown Xbox...

Hero if he supports Proton. Villain if he doesn't.

A suit.
He's not your friend. He doesn't care about you. All he cares about is money and pr.

He literally does not wear a suit.


it's a phrase, he's a corporate gman like the rest, he just LARPs as "one of us" to sell boxes

Meds. Now.

fuck off moco$oft shills he is not your friend

his successor will be a villain

Well I'll start my comment by saying I work in IT Support for over 10 years, Microsoft never do anything that doesn't screw over everyone they can to make a quick buck. I've Watched Microsoft buy out and then shutdown as many companies as EA. Bill Gates is pure satan.

Now that I've said all that and you know how fucking much I hate Microsoft and would never in a million years buy an Xbox. I think Phil Spencer is a top quality human being.. and because he works for Microsoft I can't figure out if he's one the greatest con artists of all time or he actually truly loves gaming and wants to get more people into gaming.

I will still never ever buy an Xbox not for any reason because Microsoft are the 2nd worst company on earth after Apple, but I have to wonder when Microsoft will get rid of Phil Spencer because he's too consumer friendly which is naturally opposite of what Microsoft wants.

PS4 + Switch + Win7 PC here.

and how does he sells boxes? By providing good service and being a kind personable man.

>and how does he sells boxes? By providing good service and being a kind personable man.
I miss being that innocent.

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Neutral. Xbox's general problem is that it's been way too hands off with its studios to the point that they destroy themselves. Phil says he wants to see more original Xbox content and spirit come back, but he only nudges people to do so instead of actually employing them for that purpose. He talks about bringing official emulation to PC if he could navigate the legal hoops but makes no effort towards doing so. In some ways the empty lip service does loop back around, like how it lead him to actually shilling against certain models of Xbox on the basis of them only being for niche usecases, but he's really just hot air that sits around while all the studios he bought dicks around underneath him.

I like him simply for supporting backwards compatibility and boosting older games framerate/resolutions, instead of letting old games rot like Jim Ryan because he wants you to buy the latest $70 game.

Better than Mattrick who damaged Xbox for at least a generation

He's the anti hero
>nice personable guy
>amazing back compat support
>great support of homebrew and modding community
>stop buying every game studio and then doing absolutely nothing with said studio

he sells boxes... ex-boxes...

Villain. He said he wants ban lists to spread on all platforms. He is a control freak sociopath.

doesn't matter
I kneel anyway

He's a good guy who honestly enjoys vidya but the corporate power will eventually corrupt him. It always goes like this. First he's trying to save the industry and next thing he's nuking foreign countries and committing war crimes.

Xbox/MS did, since he's the face of their games division the blame will be put on him.