Less than 5% of people made it past the intro

>Less than 5% of people made it past the intro.

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30% on PlayStation. What’s wrong with PC gamers?

>30% on PlayStation.
Doubt it.


PC players don't actually play games. Most probably idled for 20 minutes to write an ebin steam review.

I get more entertainment installing games than playing them these days.

I'm still stuck on a white screen that never loads and there's literally zero fixes I can find online because everyone gets white screen then crash.

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>run as admin in windows 7 compatibly mode
wow, that was hard

Didn't fix it.

install arch

what did he mean by this

Attached: file.png (927x272, 42.51K)

OP, I think you might be retarded.
The game literally has a page where you can see all the achievements and their completion percentages on Steam itself, why would you use some inaccurate third party website?

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I bought the game a couple of days ago but I haven't even played vidya at all since I've been feeling ill

I'm sorry for giving snoygros and shazam posters shitposting bait

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What is the cat looking at?

I'm actually impressed that 50% of ALL players (nearly a million) have already defeated Godrick. The came just came out, I'm 30 hours in and haven't even met him yet. And I'm a NEET who can plays for hours every day. And that's with 30% of the reviews complaining about performance. So everyone must be playing full time since release day. Imagine all the wagies who can only play 3 hours per week. It shouldn't be 50% this early.

waiting for patch

Attached: Godrick.png (1242x1756, 655.35K)

Not only are you massively retarded for being unable to read % values, you probably also have ADHD if you haven't meat him yet after 30 hours.

I'm 30 hours in and I'm at the foot of the erdtree.

Set your GPU to high performance in windows settings. Select Elden Ring and set it to maximum performance in the Nvidia control panel.

>Lower than Steam

thats what happens when an actual good game gets released for once.


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I use integrated GPU.

Seen loads of PS5 copies up for sale desu people didn’t know what they were buying

Probably teens and Fifabros who saw the game had hype and decided to buy it on a whim.
Which is hilarious.

95% dropped it

you want to run a game like that without even having a dedicated gpu, let alone one that's capable of running it, and then complain iT DoESn'T WoRK?