Is Sable worth playing?

Is Sable worth playing?
The graphics look gorgeous and it's been compared to BOTW.

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No. Just look at youtube playthrough, it's a graphics demo.

if you have gamepass, you can try it for free.

>Metric ton of bugs, errors and bizarre design choices
>10/10 GOTY because it's no-combat indie with trannies

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its a fantastic game

it's really relaxing but buggy as fuck at least on pc

Dunno about you, but a relaxing game never made me ragequit out of sheer frustration

The frame stutter is unbelievably bad. I can't believe they tried to sell this as if it were a complete game because of that. It's just not a finished game.

have they not fixed that yet? wtf it's been out for months

It wasn't fixed when I played it a couple weeks ago. I gave the game 15 minutes of my time to find out the frame stutter made it unplayable and there was a bizarre menu error that messed things up to. Just in 15 minutes.
I'll play it when it's finished.

I liked what I played but

- it doesn't run very well for a game with such simple graphics
- There's no combat, just exploration
- the world is mostly empty desert, but this is aesthetic AF and there are other interesting areas
- story is Meh, world is interesting.
- puzzles are baby tier

Its worth a shot if you already have gamepass

the intro was 10/10
rest of the game not so much.
there are a lot of bugs
but I never ran into any performance issues
soundtrack is really good tho

>Runs like shit
>Wants to be BotW with how it handles exploration and stamina increases, but the climbing is actively unfun
>Next to no secrets to discover aside from little eggs that let you get more stamina to find more eggs to get more stamina to fi
>Writing is purple prose out the ass and has the stench of an English major who doesn't know what human interaction is like, story is a fine concept but characters are absolute nothings and exist only to give you a choice of a mask at the end which "reflects who you want to be" because you did 3 tedious tasks involving it
>Puzzles are quite basic and two of the more "complex" ones are literally just wait until X time of day for the sun to be in a certain position
>Reward for one of the waiting puzzles is a map of the entire solar system that lists a few very fucking cool things which are NEVER EVER elaborated upon anywhere
>Game runs like shit on top of all this and can't even handle your podracer homing back in on you
>Art direction is great except when it becomes night the entire world is suddenly blanketed in monochrome bullshit darkness and you can't see anything
if you can ignore all these problems go for it

Damn, sounds like shit honestly

Have they fixed the terrible frame rate/stuttering yet?

As someone who loved this game and did almost everything, no.
It's fun but half of the time I was fighting glitches. It's better now that they patched some of it but it still bugs a ton. The dev is also far up on their ass about the "artistic game" they made so don't expect that many fixes.

Why did you love it?

I always wanted a game where you are a desert raider with your own community and got to explore the world. The art direction felt great and the sense of finding new landmarks too. Climbing abandoned ships, finding weird pieces of lore. It all goes to shit tho because the moment you "feel" you are exploring a vast desert the game crashes or some bug happens where your bike gets stuck, or certain quest important object doesn't spawn and you have to keep reloading the game. It's game about exploration but half the time I felt like I was fighting to get it to work properly

Damn, that sucks. I might just follow the patch progress then, surprised it's been so long with so few updates. How long did it take you to beat?

been watching this dude make this game over the years, its neat to see he's actually got somewhere with it

I played it for a bit and it's very dull. Very poor ambience and no soundtrack.
You're not even on the bike for most of the game, you're in the mini-areas jumping and floating around, it's underbaked by every metric.