It's not that bad

it's not that bad.

Attached: God_of_War_4_cover.jpg (339x422, 64.6K)

This was actually the worst game I've ever played in my life and I've played a lot of bad games too

I agree.

I disagree.

I disagree

I agree

It's alright on youtube I guess

Why does Atreus change his mood instantly and then instantly change back to normal

>I disagree.
I agree
>I agree
I disagree

>it's not that bad.

Attached: 1630266720215.jpg (378x481, 118.12K)

>onions of war
>dad of war
I get a minor headache almost immediately just looking at it in motion

I liked it a lot, very fun game. Don't take Any Forums's opinion on video games seriously, 90% of this board is overweight Mexican teenagers.

I liked it

Better than Ascension.

It was a solid game with some glaring flaws. The pacing in particular was awful.
>Finally walk up mountain to get to the game's goal
>Black mist from face in the mountainside suddenly
>Freya appears from literally nowhere, completely unprompted
>"Oh, Odin cursed this place with black magic!"
>Spend 4-5 minutes walking back down
>2 minute pointless explanation about how to use a menu that selects which realm to travel to
>Travel to Alfheim
>2 Minute cutscene of Freya getting sucked back to Midgarde
>Spend the next three-to-five hours grueling through an area that is ultimately meaningless, provides no insight to anything else at all, just to get a mcguffin
>Walk up the fucking mountain again and spend 50 seconds pushing through this stupid black mist
>Finally keep going

I mean its not done very well but he is a child. They do tend to do that.

atreus gets grumpy, chud. that was the point


map: try to learn souls game and it is bad
rpg: a lot of stuff are poorly designed and side requests are OK
story: just copy TLOU but the boy is annoying.
combat feels OK

He's contextually grumpy for about ten minutes after a 3+ hour area. It leads to nothing, provides no insight into his character other than resentment at his Father who is never around, which we already know previous to that area. The best part about it is that he's not even actually grumpy, because the game is open-world. If you go do other shit he just acts normal, then reaching a plot-point he sulks again. It's awful.

The duality of /qv/

I'm glad you found it at least mildly enjoyable, but "not that bad" is pretty faint praise for something that was deemed by faggot journos as GOTY material.

what you are describing is basically any open world game since the last 10 years. In context GoW is not the worst offender, i actually like the game more than expected but there is no way this is GOTY over RDR2

The best Soulslike

>mfw GoW2 (GOAT) btfos of ER

Attached: god of demen soulskiroborne.png (2704x5062, 1.35M)

The problem is more than it's just one more thing that wasn't good about that area, I don't actually expect them to force a literal child to record an extra 300 lines for the character's contextual mood swings.

the best shooting/gameplay in the open world as witcher3