PC has no games

PC has no games

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Downloading shadow warrior at this very moment

Of course it doesn't. Why else would there be 40 threads of nothing but bitching and moaning about muh emulation

I just dislike how annoying they are.
>claim all sony games are movies games
>GOW 2018 becomes the best selling game on steam for 3 weeks straight
>calls a switch am overpriced peice of hardware
>pay 100s of dollars more for their hardware and is surprised it outcompete it
I dont really have anything for xbox

>general populace is retarded.
>general populace is retarded.
You have a grifter problem.

It has the only games worth playing

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Shut up, pc gamers are 3rd worlders

>>claim all sony games are movies games
>>GOW 2018 becomes the best selling game on steam for 3 weeks straight
That doesn't make the previous statement any less true
>>calls a switch am overpriced peice of hardware
It is!
>>pay 100s of dollars more for their hardware and is surprised it outcompete it
Both are overpriced but only one can run Elden Ring

normalfags are retarded.
i have a switch but the hardware is indeed trash, even eshop is slow as fuck but i like the games and when possible i prefer to play on the original hardware, same shit happened with the 3DS and their awful 240p screen.

it has ALL the games through emulation akshually

you're wrong.

>fake news

I have your mom pussy

PC has too many games its why we all have backlogs consisting of hundreds of games. I only have a handful of games on my PS5, pretty much play the latest AAA sony game then wait 6 months for the next.

>F-Fuck you
Pity (you)

if pc has no games then there are no games. because pc has practically every game. 99.9% of all games ever released can be played on pc right now.

It has most games and several genres that are almost exclusively pc only, and then the mods that are ehancements of all those games or new games entirely

except the 40+ years of games you could play right now, instead of pissing and moaning like a daft silly bitch

Yep and it’s the Antichrist’s doing. Throw him out. Who is he, Any Forums? Reveal him, Any Forums.

cause everything for Xbox is on the pc

>spend day and night bitching how expensive PCs are
>call people who have them Third Worlders
Get your story straight consolnigger

it doesn't have anything GOOD to play

PC has many games, you just found out that you hate videogames.

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>downloading retro pc games
>I’m a Pc gamer!

>downloading console games with bad PC support
>I’m a pc gamer!

>playing arena based shooters with no mod or map making community
>I’m a pc gamer!

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Maybe you don't, because your taste is shite

PC has no batman

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Do consoles even have exclusives anymore? Other than nintendo which just gets emulated anyway.

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That’s a lie but, PCfags are truly abn

PS5 is exclusive to games
as usual

unironically building a pc is a great way to know if you games or not. After building mine i realized that videogames suck ass and are for faggots

PC in fact has every batman

then fuck off out of this board, you faggot

>no u
Snoyggers should at least put some effort in defending their favorite corporation.

Every multiplat game is a PC game, doesnt matter if its also on Playstation or Xbox, because it runs, looks and plays better on PC, also, there is niche exclusives, games that naturally plays better on PC, MODS, Emulators and porn games.