
The threads keep getting archived by Shiller bros

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Just a reminder who is in and who might be in...

>Wonder Woman
>Tom & Jerry

>Rick Sanchez
>LeBron James

>Johnny Bravo
>Fred Flinstone
>Mad Max
>Harry Potter(?)

>Neptr (Assist TV)
>Banana Guard (Assist TV)
>Mr. Meeseeks (Meeseeks Box)

I think it's pretty cool that the characters have voice acted interactions but I can see a problem where as they add more and more characters it gets harder and harder to do them because they have to keep getting the same VAs back to record more lines

Unless they recorded a shitton of lines already

Heroes of the storm has a similar thing, so characters voiced by bigger names like Kerrigan, Alarak, Li-Ming, Jaina have less interactions than they should, but they have a list of generic lines of varying tones to smooth over some of that.

I can definitely see someone like Lillard coming back in to voice more Shaggy lines for future characters.

Fingers crossed...

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I feel Reddit’s MultiVersus groups has more shills in it than Any Forums, that its probably the same shills that were saying NASB wasn’t going to fail but we know the truth on that don’t we.

I thought Multiversus fans and NASB fans hated each other? It's a given considering the CN/Nick rivalry.

Rivalries are for virgins


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Even if that’s the case, I still feel there’s a lot more Shills lurking on Reddit more than here on Any Forums, because I have seen similar conversations of MultiVersus that are very similar to NASB’s hype saying its going to out do Smash Bros or something along those lines but not as bad, so I’m staying away from MultiVersus until we see something of good news from the game that’s actually public and not under NDA.

Including I was a little disappointed that they used Velma instead of Scooby for the playtests but maybe it’s like the SpongeBob situation where Patrick, SpongeBob and Sandy got into NASB for Base Roster that Scooby, Shaggy and Velma will be the main reps for Scooby Doo in the game’s base roster which is what I’m hoping for.

Do they not realize that Multiversus isn't going for the Smash crowd? It's pretty obvious that WB is trying to pull a Brawlhalla from the way the game is built. As for the lack of Scooby, I'm sure they're still trying to figure out a way to make him playable. Gotta be honest with ya, the rest of the Mystery gang is easier to implement into playable characters than Scooby himself, and this includes Scrappy.

If you’re talking about Quadrupedal characters they already got one with Reindog so Quadrupedal characters can be done they’re just being idiots, or do you mean moveset potential because I’ve explained in other groups how Scooby can play like and YouTube videos have even explained how Scooby could work in the game.

I was mostly talking about movesets, I didn't realize people mad videos about him already. I'll check 'em out when I get the time.


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Because yeah Velma is cool and all but if they really want to bring in the Scooby Doo fan base to play the game you got to have the main character of it, that Velma should be maybe a DLC character or whatever how this game handles things like that if it is based off of Brawlhalla which I haven’t played yet while Scooby is in the launch roster which would get people’s attention.

How big is the Scooby fanbase? I don't really see people talk about the series all that much anymore.

I mean the series has had reboot after reboot even recently, like yeah it’s probably not as big as Looney Tunes or DC comics but I feel Scooby Doo is one of the big three of Warner Brothers that Scooby Doo would take Third place of the most well known series of Warner Brothers while Tom and Jerry would take the Forth spot of Warner Brothers most well known series.

I guess that makes sense.

He needs to get in.

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But besides Scooby that I want to see in the game these two are my second top choices for MultiVersus.

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They'd be cool. Personally, I'd want Quickdraw, with a stance change into El Kabong.

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