Would a Sonichu game work better as a sonic game with pokemon in it, or a pokemon game with sonic characters in it?

would a Sonichu game work better as a sonic game with pokemon in it, or a pokemon game with sonic characters in it?

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sonic game, a pokemon + sonic seems pretty bad.

Neither. It's a hyperdimension neptunia game.

What's his current status?

Apparently it's unlikely that anyone can get more than one year for incest in Virginia. Apparently he and Null are no longer on speaking terms also

didn't he rape his mom? I don't think she was in a condition to consent. I figured chris would get more than just an incest charge


There is no excuse for misgendering

You're absolutely right. That's why you should stop pretending this man is a woman.

Calling CWC a woman is an insult to any woman that's ever existed, both natural and transitioned

I’m all pro trans or whatever. But CWC literally became trans as some Wiley coyote plot to lose his virginity. He is not a woman by any stretch and does not deserve the respect.
I’m a believer that Barb raped him. With how she’s acting and her weird behavior when he was younger it makes sense. I regret reading about Chris again after my 7 year haitus from him

You'll never be a woman

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Apparently he is not being persecuted for rape in any form and even after three court sections it was never brought up, its unlikely that it would come up now unless Barb herself say something about it or the members of her family that hate her.
The trial has been delayed for so long due to covid and Ruckesville being a shithole that It's possible that the judge will use the time Chris has been jailed waiting as his total penalty and let him go with a restraining order

What will Chris do when he gets out? This is the prison saga but what is next?

homeless saga

>Wiley coyote plot

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need to be misgendered.

More than likely Chris will be homeless, or put in a mental hospital. He’s alienated his family, only trolls are his real fans, and his mother is on deaths doorstep.
Yes I am using the given Godbear name, thank you.

You will never be a real kong. You have no style, you have no grace. You are a lanky orangutan inflated by helium into a balloon.

All the “rocks” you crush seem such a breeze. Behind your back people say that your game didn't age well. Kremlings are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “crew” laughs at your funny face behind closed doors.

King K. Rool is utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of technical advancement has allowed your coconut gun to fire in spurts. Even kongs who are a “hell of a guy” look uncanny and unnatural to a kremling. Your banana breath is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to pick up a boulder with relative ease, he’ll cry out for mummy the moment he gets a glimpse of your pistols.

You will never be one cool kong. You wrench out a skip and a hop every single morning and climb up trees, but deep inside you feel the walnuts and peanuts creeping up like pineapple smells, ready to crush you under the grape, melons, oranges, and coconut shels.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll collect all 201 golden bananas, 10 battle crowns, 20 banana fairies, 40 banana medals, eight boss keys, one Nintendo coin, and one Rareware coin, and achieve 101 percent completion. Your crew will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to stretch their arms out just for you. They’ll take you to the fridge with a save file marked with your initials, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know you beat the game. You'll sell it on Ebay, and all that will remain of your legacy is a man who was bored enough to sit through all of Donkey Kong 64.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


Agreed. Indisputably a He.