You bought the game..right user?

you bought the game..right user?

Attached: unknown-4.png (833x901, 894.24K)

I stand with Russia

I pirated and deleted the game 5 times, actually.

Attached: US_white_trannies_volunteering_to_help_ukraine.png (1010x1090, 1.09M)

I stand with Russia

feel good fur owning blyats AND a video game?
sign me up

Slavniggers aren’t my problem

>faggots spamming trannies for no real reason are literal redditors
It checks.

>for no reason

But this thread is about Ukraine?

Who's going to help the victims of Russia?

I care zero about that part of the world.


Oh no no no no, this can't be fucking real.

In 2017, now I wish I hadn't


Attached: 1636315634758.gif (480x212, 1.17M)

no way fag

ukrainians aren't people

Well, the text is an obvious shitpost.

The avengers are fucking back!

fake and gay.
it's some american trannies that have their own alpaca ranch, they posted this photo last year claiming they "rescued a young vulnerable trans girl".

I bought the game long before this, so I can't help in this way.
Pretty good game though, made me feel a few times. Valiant Hearts did a better job pulling at the heartstrings imo.

imagine picking a side in any of this, shit's been coming for 10 years

They and stalker devs are gonna get extorted hard when russian occupiers come in, russia needs the money badly now, it will be give us money or we will smash your computers and equipment

looks more like the ovendodgers are back

Attached: 00c12b11d0dc78d278f7b6d41f16259fc43fe80c404494917c3a46ed0acd5cbe.jpg (947x1200, 148.89K)

no, no, no, russia will not smash anything, it will actually be masked ukrainians who are happy to be liberated and don't want stalker devs supporting the corrupt armed forces on twitter, also this war of mine devs their charity is corrupt and actually doesn't go to people in need it goes to ukrainian nazi oligarchs, you will give us (ukrainian people who love this peaceful invasion and will smash your stuff) that money

I don't think it's a particularly good game for what it asks for, so I'll wait for the 80% discount.

Ukrane I think is the first time in at least 30 years the US public has given a shit about a country of people who weren't all brown or black

Post hand, niglet.