He Quit WoW

It’s over bros. He’s been unmazed.


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He quits WoW every recent patch

Feel free to bow anytime, wowtrannies.

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>omg guys im quitting wow
>omg guys im quitting elden ring
>omg guys im quitting blah blah blah blah
who cares about this dumbass

little bitch can't handle having to actually play the game instead of being carried with zero effort

He's really exaggerating, fucking hell. Just say you burned out on the game you've been playing for 20 years and that it sucks. Done, easy. I didn't mop around when Runescape turned to shit. I did.

The whole stream with McConnel telling him to Switch to horde, the melancholy instance music, and him begging the players in the raid was the most hilarious fucking thing I've seen him done. I was in tears laughing.




Again? This is like the third time.

Ever since his mom died he's been overdoing the streamer personality

F Arthas

Turned into 35 anima and never mentioned again

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how did this horsefaced hick get so popular?

Creating drama to get views?

why won't e-celebs get their own board

a couple months from now
>asmongold quits lost shart

Are there retards on here that actually follow mr rotten teeth

why is he talking about eldering, didn't he quit it too? this seems like attention whoring.

how many times has this stupid psycho eyed faggot quit WoW now?

From what I heard he didn't actually quit playing it, he just stopped playing it while streaming.

He's A class in sex appeal.

YEAAAAAH god thats so fucking cringe

9.2 is actually fun. New zone is a nice departure from the grimdark. Blizz actually listened and made it great. Best patch since MoP.

I made an alliance toon to play with a couple of buddies and I don't know how you guys get anything done. The group finder doesn't even have a quarter of the listings the horde does.

a year from now
>asmongold quits life

the thing you fellas never understand is nobody escapes the maze just because they stopped playing some shit game
you just trade one maze for another that has different color walls

he literally says this anytime he needs an excuse to play flavor of the month game. he'll play elden ring then go back to wow in a few weeks or even a few days desu