Any Eastern Fan Art of Western Games?

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Thank the lord I saved this before another case of "Japanese Artist nuking account" occurred

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I mean...

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How does Fallout have Japanese, there's a lot of American folk culture there
Its like reverse Touhou
That means Westaboos exist?

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Oh they definitely exist
Just recently a single person translated the entirety of Planescape Torment in Japanese

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They make it not 100% bad by making it good (east)

I heard she's a massive westaboo. I guess that proves it then

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Japanese rpg nerds love 1st edition dnd, which is why the kobold in her manga looks the way it does.

>that manga that's basically "what if every Asylum-produced shark movie was rolled into an isekai summon and made 10 times worse"
Westaboos definitely exist, and they can get every bit as maniacal as any weeb can.

Good. Imo there's no need to go past 3.5e

That's the exact type of Japanese autism I love
Anywhere I could see that manga?

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Why do Japs like Isaac Clarke so much?

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Isekai Kuimetsu no Same/Killer Shark in Another World. Mangadex has it, so probably most other aggregators do.
The current translator spices it up too much with the cursing(way more than mangastream used to) but it's OK otherwise.

He (was) a faceless engineer and silent protagonist

His mask was kind of iconic and couple be represented by katakana or whatever for their scrolling niconico comments

the games sold decently in Japan as well

It's generally not the case anymore that western games don't sell in Japan

Here's a higher quality version fren

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He's cool looking

He's silent so it's easy to self insert

Dead space (at least 1 and 2) are basically western versions of RE4 so that helps