Why localization has never been good?

why localization has never been good?

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It's run by idiots who get too big for their own britches.

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fuck op im not reading that fucking college thesis in your pic. americans ruin everything in the quest for (((money)))

Because you hired localizers instead of translators.

I feel sick reading this.

Does stuff like this happen in Korean and Chinese games?

If you make references, you make your game dated. But the worst of it is "we're too proud localize." You should always hide the Hand of the Author unless it was designed to be 4th wall breaking.

Japanese people draw a stick figure with a happy face named stick-chan and weaboos praise it as the pinnacle of character design


River City Girls thread?

Why would someone redo this image to make it worse?

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Right reminds me of Ruby Spears Roll

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Right is unironically better
Who gives a shit about funneland when you could have a hot babe and a skateboard?

Original thoughts are hard

there is no such thing as a pure translation, everyone is going to have some injection of localization, retard.

This hasn't been true for about 30 years, though.

Factually incorrect.

keep talking out of your ass

Name 10 games

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based on the writing of the OP pic, it's an ESL lmao

Stay mad, "localizer".

I can stand a loose localization if it's done by good writers who understand the source material. But much like games journalists, most localizers are aspiring writers who were too shit at writing to get a real writing gig.

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