Making a cowboy game

You can now kick enemies in the balls.


Attached: killingkick.webm (1280x720, 1.72M)

Ok now make a dungeon crawler.



Will you end up being the next Notch?

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would be nice.

I only say this because I spend like 20 minutes on Any Forums a day and I saw your thread yesterday and today so it gives me that same feeling as seeing Notch post beta minecraft threads.

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kek, based.

I will try to finish a beta like by the end of the month.

OP will be fucking hookers whilist chugging whisky and doing cocaine in a gulfstream 24/7 in 3 years

Can you break bucks?


>no hot babes
>anti-male violence
SJW game go back to twitter

Can we kick the tumbleweeds?

this is based

This would make it the ultimate Any Forums meme game. Chuck and Sneed might make an appearance...

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do not forget to include the negro compliance machine 9000

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pls tell me you can kill trannies.

Can you explain your game young man?

What kind of game is it? RPG? Stardew Valley ripoff? Rogue Lite?

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fuck off cris

Its a basic game with VN minigames and lolis with ads.

....fuck of cris

Fuck on, Cris.

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>i hate you
>fuck you
>all in lower case
this shouldn't be funny

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Me trying to play Christian's game but it keeps bugging out and he starts crying

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he's been posting for quite a while already