Why do all game experts hate Dark Souls 2?

Why do all game experts hate Dark Souls 2?

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Mad cuz bad

I enjoyed SotFS more than Dark Souls 3. 3 just felt really forgettable to me and kinda boring. Sekiro is my favourite Fromsoft game though, followed by Bloodborne. Haven't finished Elden Ring yet

Game critics have this weird idea that a polished turd makes for a good game, and a diamond in the rough makes for a bad game.

DS2 is unironically the weakest in the trilogy though

Because 2 had the audacity to not give you an easily spammed invincibility roll or shield upfront and made you invest into stats like everything else in the game.

A step in the wrong direction. Gets a lot of things wrong that the first game got right. It's still good, but it tries to fix what wasn't broke and is worse for it.

What would he think of Elden Ring?

>dick souls 2 released
>Any Forums is all over it, everyone having a good time
>years pass Any Forums now hates it
idgaf, i personally liked it


because it was poorly balanced, poorly coded, and poorly constructed
ds2 had some good ideas mired in cesspools of horrible choices and unforgiving publisher deadlines

Dark Souls 2 was getting shit on day one on Any Forums and it was 100% deserved.

Thankfully DS2 vomits an insane amount of level ups at you so it's not even that impactful

>accurately predicted all of elden ring's problems

Probably all the same complaints as his Lost Soul Arts video. It's literally just another Dark Souls retread.

Everyone was complaining about it on release. The now somewhat infamous video felt like it was taking from many points raised in the threads at the time. And some of it likely was since he browsed Any Forums at the time.

Such as?

It's too easy

You can float through the game, and change your stats on whim.

Dark souls 2 is a little kids game

>video game expert

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>kiss it

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One of his main complaints was the lack of good defensive options against bosses outside of rolling. Didn't they implement other shit like jumping and counter attacks?

I was shitting on it when I beat the first 3 bosses without dieing

Um, ex-FUCKING-scuse me, chud? Didn't I deal with you years ago?

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Play the games, and make your own opinions