Any Forumsidya jesters

It’s fat tuesday, mardi gras, whatever you call it, post some jesters

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my friend traveled to Mardi Gras as a honestuck troll to slay juggalo pussy

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There was a fan made music video of a bunch of Marx and Kirby encountering and dancing with a bunch of video game jesters but I don't know how to find that video anymore

People that like jesters are just the worst. Fuck you clown boy, you're annoying and you aren't even funny.

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say that one more time nigga

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Intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor

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Don't act like you don't fucking know they are rather an intentionally creepy staple with a dash of dark humor these days.

Sometimes its okay if the jester is secretly the wisest man at the king's court who gets to speak forbidden truths without retaliation by couching them in humor.

Most of the time they're just obnoxious, unlikable and not even amusing. And dumb, not even any clever jokes just jingling bells and acting like a retard.

what was his fucking problem?

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>what was his fucking problem?
it's called being too based

This one?

I love this clown.
Has anyone here played her game?

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Antagonists with Venetian style masks are the best.

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>dreamy/mystical 90s casino level boss
>Floating venetian mask with floating white gloved hands
>attacks with abilities themed on the card suits
>level theme

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I love this nigga

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weren't these assholes in SMRPG

They're Zorn and Thorn from FF9

SMRPG had these guys

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