Mina the Hollower

Yacht Club just announced that Yuzo Koshiro (the guy who composed for Streets of Rage, ActRaiser, Castlevania (Portrait of Ruin), Etrian Oddysey, Kid Icarus, etc.) is joining the team, he's gonna work alongside Kaufman.
It's nice to see Kickstarter money going to a good cause.
Also, they dumped all their Hollow Knight assets (animations, backgrounds, menus, etc.) to MEGA in case anyone wants it. They're even saying it might have some cut content.

Attached: 1633072769951.jpg (1198x1198, 304.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She looks like she fucks human men.

Game is shaping up to be great but I'm not backing out. Just wishlisting so I know when it comes out.

What a cute looking boy mouse.

this thing's a she right? because i want to fuck it and i'm not gay

>Hollow Knight
Shovel knight, right?

nobody needs all of this shit to make a fucking gameboy game

Don't care about blm games ;/

Shit, that's right. Got knights mixed up.

We're excited, but we don't need daily threads until it releases.

ah shit

Yeah, she's a girl.

Attached: 1644182381618.jpg (1149x1280, 222.37K)

rat sex

This campaign is so badly managed. It has 2 days left and we still don't know if the physical edition of the game is going to differ from the standard release in regular retailers. So many people are going to be going apeshit on socials when they don't have their $100 copy in a year when they've been sitting on shelves in walmart already discounted down to $20.

>only two songs

Based female protagonist gaming B)

BLM commie garbage

Attached: Commie Club Games.jpg (1173x2655, 1.03M)

They talked about wanting to make a Kickstarter physical version "more unique", but nothing concrete yet.

Remember to pirate it. If it's good and you feel bad for not paying for it, you can always send a check directly to BLM afterwards.


Tranny design.

What about her human boyfriend?

Yes, that video game company decided to marry into politics.

Didn't ask

Behead tranny and nigger apologist devs

This is actually pretty cool, they even put mockups in there. Devs rarely share this kind of stuff.

Attached: deckEditMockup00.png (400x240, 17.22K)

But they also make video games, making them more video games than your retarded offtopic thread-derailing shitposting. Fuck off with your "muh terrorists" disingenuous shitting.

imagine the rat pussy r34 when this thing pops off

Attached: 1644775128499.png (2000x2588, 2.92M)

Afraid it's on-topic. Gotta deal with that.

No more on-topic than Nintendo's HR policies in a Mario thread.
You aren't talking about the video game the thread is about. It is off-topic.

Link to MEGA post? Are they licensing it?

Talking about the dev making the game. Deal.

They're publishing it under the Creative Commons license.

Talking about a company is not talking about video games.

lol, tell that to the dozens of threads blizzard got

You mean the threads that kept getting deleted? Thanks for providing precedent.

And yet they weren't kept getting deleted. People were happily shitting on blizzard past bump limit.