Master Duel

>Arcana Force XXI: The World
>Sartorious Theme plays: [Open]
>Skips your turn
>OTKs you
KNEEL Any Forums

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I play Monster Reborn
>You cant have that in your deck its banned
Banned cards? What? Why?
>Because Meta
Oh thats retarded bye. Ill stick to collecting.

Monster Reborn isn't banned you retard.

Retard-Sama, I…….

You're in the club and this guy slaps your eldlich's ass… what do?

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>skill drained
>crashed by 3500 atk golden lord
yeah sure

wheres my comment op?

I haven’t done anything, must’ve been the mods.

>skill drain
user, how do you plan on resolving skill drain with Heraklinos on the field?

>Implying Eldiches don't instantly scoop if they didn't win the coinflip

POV: You're going first

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please tell me you aren't also running tri-brigade

if it took two turns then its not an OTK

Literally all you have to do to manage accesscode talker is figure out when they're about to bring him out.
You can usually tell because they summon a link 2 or 3 that can special summon from the deck or gy
If they have a link 3 + another monster it's already over.

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lmao at xyzniggers thinking they are any better than linktards

That hand literally beats eldlich still lol

>and if you do
This shit is retarded. I lost two games in a row because they played something that banished all cards and my Virtual World monster wouldn’t summon themselves

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>get out a first turn Naturia Beast against Skytrannies
I love these once in a thousand game hard "fuck you" matchups

>2x Lightning Storm

droplets pitching nervall?

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Pray you are going up against an eldnigger

Okay so in this vaccuum scenario yes, you can pop accesscode before he comes out and wrecks your shit. Now in reality, against a competent player, the other person has gone full combo with negates in place to help protect the summon of the accesscode that will blow your board open. And the protection also makes up the 2.7k atk needed to kill you off, assuming you aren't playing aromages

You were saying?

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God when are we getting a FUCKING TCG ban list!?!?

>Some faggot Tri tranny bulls his entire combo cause "HURRR Y DIDNT U JUST DRAW ALL UR HAND TRAPS TURN ONE LMAO!?!"
>Max Cs me on my turn have to play thru it cause this faggot has his entire field up
>LMAO I drew Nibiru caujse of the ffree draws LOL ROOOOCK!!!
>Get fucked while he has entire card advantage


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Only like one deck can reliably summon Rhongo Bongo to his full potential

You haven't heard? Komoney is letting master duel have it's own banlist instead of following the hr TCG or OCG lists.

>drops IO
what now, whiteboi

>no longer in the top 10 of most played games on steam
>40 thousand players on steam
is this game gonna be ok?

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Most decent decks are already SS vomit than can bring Accesscode at any given time

anyone have the mspaint card of shaddoll winda

If they keep fucking up ranked like this then absolutely not

Sorry to piss you off, Mayakashi-user, but I'm too happy about the fact that this deck isn't bricking

Doesn't count mobile. The majority of the target market isn't nerds playing on their desktops, it's normalfags and console owners.


I don't care about Maxx C. I hate autowin shit like Rhongo Bongo and VFD far more. Maxx C at least gives you a choice in the matter, either go hard and accept what may come or end on a smaller board and hope it holds. Either way, it could stand to have a less retarded retrain but I genuinely like the idea of it as a going second balancer.

Just have a >5500atk monster that can't be destroyed by card effects?

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With Konami at the helm, not even a little bit

>no more gems
>no more events
>ranked doesn't reward high ranked players
no it won't

I wish Nova and Supernova didn't have such stupid tails.

Lets talk hypothetical support cards and retrains.
What kind of stuff do you want to see?
What archetypes do you wish would get support?

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Room: 230311
Spectator: 585523

You'd never have a problem finding someone to play against within 15 seconds even with 1k concurrent players, there's only 1 format to play

*bricks your board*

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Konami are literally sitting on their hands and doing nothing, there is literally no point in ranking to plat unless you aim for plat 1.
No new events , new cards, balance changes, etc.
They are literally fucking up something so easy after such a strong start

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give them kaiju instead

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WHY is VFD so bad? I really don't understand that because there are spell cards as simple as raigeki that can kill him

if konami doesn't change shit real fast it will be 10K in a few weeks. People are sick of the clown format and are sick of getting jewed by the stupid rankup system. no new content doesn't help either

>just open your out and your opponent better dont have a spell negate on the field

It doesn't look that bad

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I want a DMoC link-3 that's like the BLS link that gets effects when you use a level 7 monster.

I've never had a problem with VFD since I always magically seem to have a kaiju on hand for him, its only Rongo that's a fucking cocksucker.

He's just annoying for decks that dont run non monster related destruction. Rhongo is leagues more troublesome due to his straight up "unaffected by card effects" bullshit