Nice quality control, Valve

Nice quality control, Valve.

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It's okay when Valve does it though

>Literally it's okay when Nintendo does it
Fucking drones

>purchase meme device to play meme games


Does Nintendo at least still repair the joycons for free? What's Valve's policy?

Whatever happened to JewWario?

What the fuck happend to joysticks? All of my old controllers are fine decades after I bought them. The only controllers to have broken joysticks are n64 and switch. And I guess these do now.

Thanks for beta testing Q1fags.

>purchase a device with analog control sticks
>expect it not to drift
pick 1

>Does Nintendo at least still repair the joycons for free?
I've heard nothing but nightmare stories from Any Forumsirgins. Most send them away and wait forever.

PC lets you adjust deadzones on any controller. Consoles don't even let you do this.

Not anymore.

Expensive controllers with dirt cheap components and HORRENDOUS longevity. If we had a working government, there would be a massive fraud investigation into Nintendo and Sony. $70 controllers dying six months later.

I dunno, my PS2 controllers are both fucked for independent reasons, and one of my DS3s has spontaneous Button Press syndrome.

years of chink cost cutting measures, a little bit here a little bit there, while keeping functionality in place. At some point it crosses a line and drift is the result. Then the companies run an (((analysis))) that says it is cheaper to just fix it when it comes up than it is to actually go back to the old actually well built method. This is especially true because all the parts for all these sticks are coming from the same factories in China so making a bespoke part using the old method would cost way more.

This is a problem that explains why virtually every home and kitchen appliance made today is cheap crap while stuff from the 60s and 70s not just works but works better than brand new out of the box shit today.


How did companies suddenly forget how to make analog sticks? I don't remember anyone complaining about drift until the Switch showed up.

every controller uses the same potentiometer and you know the old saying about planned obsolesce. these companes don't want you fixing your controller they want you buying a new one or paying for extra warranty.


They did not forget. They have all intentionally switched to a cheaper manufacturer starting with the PS4 gen

N64 had big drift issues, but that was the sticks physically getting lose. Not like these were the contacts get fucked.

Joysticks have been shit and drift-prone since the 7th gen, user. Where have you fags been? Am I sharing a board with kids that only ever experienced 7th gen by watching let's plays? The Kontrol Freeks (whatever retard spelling they use) company got its start in 7th gen both to "improve accuracy" with sticks and counter drift, and there were fly-by-night companies dedicated to repairing drifting sticks.

>spontaneous Button Press syndrome.
This is actually pretty easy to solve. You just need a screwdriver and tape.

Thanks for beta testing Q1'ers

This. It's planned obsolescence. I have gamecube controllers that are indestructible, meanwhile my PS5 controller from launch has loose-feeling sticks (no drift)

Lies, all five of my xbox 360 controllers have zero drift. As do both of my psone controllers, my three xbox hamburger controllers, my two gamecube controllers and my 2 ps4 controllers. Only ever had issues with n64 and switch. Stop trying to revise history.

Try taking antibiotics and choosing your partners wisely

>t. history revisionist
Every controller I've had from the 360 had eventual stick drift in either the left or right stick, including used ones that other people owned and used. You are fabricating nonsense to make things appear as if all problems are only happening in the current generation.

All these companies now use the same shitty manufacturer to produce their joysticks.

But the Switch joycon is the first time I've experienced stick drift with any console controller, so I guess that invalidates your entire argument.