Is COD dead?

Russians can't be presented as serious enemies anymore

Who will be the new enemy?
Will COD have enough balls and make it the Chinese?

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The last time proper Russia was an enemy in CoD it was in Modern Warfare 3 and it was in 2010.

lol the last time russia was an enemy was in cold war
mw 2019 took place in st petersburg

i get what you mean but it's still constantly russia

what's it gonna be now



If you think Russia has a quantity > quality army, wait until you see China in action. These are the guys copying Russian materiel.
Taiwan reporting 20K Chinese soldiers dead in a day would not be an exaggeration.


UAZ vehicles are the best

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China is learning from the mistakes of others. Russia just provided China with an incredibly useful lesson—symmetric warfare between 2 sovereign states, one with NATO support (weapons, intel)

Bad company. SOUL

also what's the z stand for

Me when I assemble a model kit

if they are learning from the mistakes of others, then why are they still communist?

This conflict has made me realize that china and russia would be fucked if they actually fought NATO

they are a superpower, i guess the current system is working out pretty well for them

Just some brigade marking or whatever so they don't kill their own guys

I don't think China would try to invade Taiwan, especially after this whole Ukraine deal.
Taiwan is an island, much harder to invade compared to Ukraine / Russia.
Taiwan has a very sufficient military.
Taiwan is one of the most important chipset manufacturers in the world, a very important asset for the West, the US and others will back them (even if they don't publicly admit to it).
My guess is that China will focus more on war via economy etc, with less focus on pure military strength (compared to Russia).

I wanna fuck left and headpat right


>Taiwan is one of the most important chipset manufacturers in the world, a very important asset for the West, the US and others will back them (even if they don't publicly admit to it).
Ex president of Taiwan already said that US would only supply weapons to Taiwan if a war between Taiwan and China broke out.

I wanna fuck right and get headpatted by left

they're fascist bro

Domestic White Terrorists.
I'm joking but I also wouldn't be surprised at this point.

USSR =/ Modern Russia

And NATO would also be fucked because there's absolutely no way a war between Nato vs Russia or China wouldn't go nuclear

If it remained a stalemate, it could be non-nuclear. It goes nuclear the second one side is about to lose.

>not fucking right while left headpats right

Russia was also an enemy faction within MW2019, albeit to a lesser extent than the other titles.



Wrong. losing a war doesnt mean your entire country is destroyed. nukes do

Was it Russia per se or just like a rogue agent or some other shit like that?
I only watched a playthrough in Youtube

China was the baddie in Black Ops 2

>then why are they still communist?

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>tfw their tiny force of cheapo Turkdrones are absolutely racking up huge numbers of kills
Future of warfare guys. How do we make drone combat exciting enough for video games?

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>It goes nuclear the second one side is about to lose.
This scenario only exists in your head, in reality a nation can threaten to start firing nukes at the very beginning, just like Russia has said it will if NATO decides to get involved directly. This strategy has obviously worked to keep NATO at bay, if russia had no nukes they'd already be getting invaded across all fronts

>roachland is selling arms and equipment to a former soviet country that is fighting the former soviet russia

oh how the tables turn

They're communist in name only.

Muttmericans are still kvetching about 2 towers. They think losing a few thousand soldiers is a big death toll. They have no concept of actual war because they are situated between fish, faggots and beaners.


CoD died after Black Ops 1, and even that is a stretch.

Just like every communist state. It always begins with a fanatic pursuit of ideals and then this always seems to create a power structure where the most ruthless cutthroat monsters rise to the top, and then the new government only continues to exist to hold on to the power it gained through the revolution and political backstabbing, never to continue the pursuit of ideals