War game

>war game
>america is the good guys

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I mean, yea? we are?

cope etc.

Sorry your country will never be relevant

Frogposters need to be burned alive.

>american propaganda
>america is the good guys

Depends of the point of view. Anyway, only plebs and softbrains think in war as a moral question and not as struggle for power.

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If America isn't the good guys then who is?

Just like real life.

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frog site

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>Beat the British Empire
>Beat people who fought an entire war just to keep slaves
>Beat Nazi Germany
>Beat Fascist Japan
>Beat Communist satellites
>Beat the USSR
>Prevented Islamic radicals from using nukes
>Crashed the Russian market with sanctions
So, yeah. They're the good guys.

>non americans are obsessed with America

>good guys/bad guys

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>United States of Israel
pick one

good goy, stay neutral

>Beat people who fought an entire war just to keep slaves
You mean the natives? yeah those savages were pretty fucked but i dont think that is why they fought back against the colonists.

>have to bring up Amerigods every few seconds
Why are they like this?

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American Civil War, silly.

>lose to rice farmers
>lose to towel heads that you funded, trained and armed

They're still seething they couldn't beat a single country without help from America. Still insecure about it to this day

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we also trained and funded the rice farmers, faggot.
Just means the training worked

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America forgets about those because even when they lose a war they never have any damage on their home country.

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>Russia does all the heavy lifting
>Hurdur it was AMERICA that won the war
Like clockwork.

>this is the person right wing Americans worship

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