What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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the game is shit play pubg instead

>constantly reworking maps for esports
>new operators being utterly useless or incredibly broken
>old operatos being too limited compared to new operator
>ruining all the fun maps for the sake of esports

still no singleplayer campaign

I might play again, the new operator looks fun and capitao and echo are viable still.

Ubi discovered they could still print money while doing less and this is where things got fucked up with operation Phantom's sight. And of course, they hate fun and took a shit on the casual mode. If any devs read this, take lessons from these cunts.

Game is fun with friends.
>but muh realism
As if it was ever realistic.

What's wrong with casual?

zoomer crowd

It's still pretty fun to me. Actually considering getting the Year 7 pass as well. Wouldn't do it for any other game really.

The whole fucking game, gameplay, operators and maps, revolve around holes in walls. They ironically backed themselves in this terribly narrow corner from which they can't get out because no other game mode can work, they tried and it all failed, because it's just not built for that. All they can do is release more and more operators that wreck the balance and lead to new exploits in maps each and every time, on top of introducing more and more retarded operators with meme gadgets and sexual identities, while further ruining the thing with over the top, ridiculous cosmetics.

They could salvage it if only they made a more realistic mode with a limited set of believeable operators while removing all the LGBTFAGGOTRY, but they don't like to make good games, they just like to push their bullshit and sell cosmetics, so it's bound to die.

Attached: Rainbow Six Siege.jpg (3872x3236, 1.67M)

Everything after velvet shell pretty much

dunno, that one mode is still great fun, like Payload in TF2
plus the new operator that can actually create mini-walls on any surface or plug any hole/corridor looks mad fun

it went from a game about using gadgets to win gunfights to a game about running around shooting 200 gadgets per round and occasionally shooting someone with significantly slower handling than before

Well if you like TF2 hats of course you'll like Siege.

Attached: rainbow six siege magic.jpg (1920x1080, 574.4K)

The map remakes might be better from a competitive point of view (they aren't), but they are uninspired ugly mazes worthy of an airsoft center. They are also very annoying because you have to relearn the map.

New operators are science fantasy shit +LGTBI posturing. Not alluring.

Playing with randoms lost it's fun. Might have been at the time they introduced Champion rank?

y2s1 was peak of siege, it never recovered from op health

>game is fun with friends
Like literally every multiplayer game

When they announced they want 100 heroes.

>Like literally every multiplayer game
Not true at all, not every game rewards playing with your friends and coordinating with them as much as R6, not that there aren't other games that do this, but it's one of the strongest aspects of r6.

>look it up because I don't remember which one was it
>next update Ela showed up
yeah it was the beginning of the end, what a complete shitshow

removing teamkick