Elden Ring PVP Thread

Invasionbros how are we doing so far? What are your favorite spots to invade in?

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I have been having a lot of fun with the dragon breath spells and would highly recommend them to any invaders having trouble with hallways or grouped up hosts.

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I haven't seen a single other person yet. No summon signs, no invasions - what gives?
I've put 30 hours into the game on PC btw

You have to use a furlcalling finger remedy in order to see other player's signs, much like humanity in other games. They're very cheap to craft.

Also, you can't be invaded unless you have another player summoned or are using the dried finger equivalent

End-game PVP is the worst PVP in the series. It's just baiting people into spells and weapon arts that kill them in one hit, this shit is ridiculous.

Dark Souls 2 was the peak of soulsborne PVP

I couldn't get invasions to werk, but I've done a bit of co-op and had fun ganking invaders lol

reddit opnion, des was peak

Are you just stuck to endgame pvp or like
dead because so much shit to do to even be in the pool of invasion?

Least you can invade to kill summon shitters, but don't they get a free blueboi?

Also, twink invading DOA?

Shit man that sucks. I don't like getting invaded literally every 10 minutes, but it felt like the game had 0 online players or something.
Also if I enable the dried fingers aren't I just gonna get maxed out invasions since nobody else is doing it?

What level is "end-game"?

>Invasion tard
>Dexfag and bleedfag
Every time


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Yeah they really fucked the invasions since DS3. The lack of variety of fights promotes invaders to use these gimmick one shot builds just to get a quick kill

Can you be invaded without intending to pvp? Only time it’s happened to me is when I jumped off that ledge at the round table.


That's an NPC invasion, not a player

Only if you summon phantoms. Otherwise, you have to use an item to turn on solo invasions.

I hope they don't nerf anything. All stupid retarded shit you can use reminds me of demon's souls and it's great.

I've only found 4 fingers to invade
3 times the phantom knows to not lock on and constantly runs around behind fishing for a backstab while I'm trying to fight. Really didn't have a good time with those. 1 used an insane weapon art I've never seen that spins with crazy damage
4th time an npc enemy hit me with an aoe that killed me lol. A blue anti PvP guy came too but he was far away from the others so I could kill him

I've got over max tongues in ds3 and loved 2 PvP. Not into dueling. Elden ring just seems different. Weapon arts are all a lot stronger and less predictable, jumping attacks seem to be crazy for damage as well

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Oh I assumed it was just some dueling area after getting dabbed on so I left.

Are there consequences to invading and dying?

you drop your runes wherever you died as if you had died there in your game

I haven't even bothered to start invading yet; I haven't found an infinite use invasion item.

My first impression of pvp invasions is quite bad.
People just run away to resummon and heal the moment you get an edge. Matchmaking is designed to fuck invaders in the ass. I mean look at this shit, the invader is up against 2 guys and they chase him down hungry for blood. And the game decides the host needs backup and summons me for help.

Dark Souls 1 golden age pvp truly was lightning in a bottle.

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>*Kills low level players*
>Hah... Wait till my Any Forums friends see this

Ahhh it feels good they changed how invasion shit works. I can summon jolly co-op without getting invaded. Good stay the fuck out of my World thanks :^)

How can he invade them if they're low lvl?

>put no points into hp and wear no armor
>'wtf how i die??? must be a twink'

>waah I can't 1v1 underleveled newbies
just play competetive pvp lol

NIGGER how the FUCK do you counter shields in pvp??????? Theres no fucking way to kill someone with a shield
Jump attack? Nope they roll away because its a 5 second animation with a 10 second recovery
Spam attack? Nope they just tank 2 hits and roll away while their buddies spam spells at you
Kick? Really? You have to give up your weapon art just to be able to FUCKING BREAK SHIELDS????

The pvp is alright for now because no one knows the meta, but yeah its going to be really cancerous in a month or two if pvp is still alive by then. Elden ring pvp is ds3 pvp except now theres no chances for 1v1s in invasions, finding the host takes forever if you invade in open world, and you have to spend time running back to your grave when you inevitably die in a 1v4

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Main complaint is amount of invaders. I hope the fix this and let 4 invaders vs 4 summons. Also are there unlimited respec items?