Elden Ring Progress Thread

Where you at bros? Just found this place in the castle, at the end there's a bloodstain even though I'm offline

What is it?

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at the end. don't really want to grind out these bosses right now

Stuck at Margit.

Again what the fuck is this?

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Wow, what the hell? First the message left by rogier, now this. I was there but I didn't touch that bloodstain, I'm not in the habit of touching them as I'm not sure they're even functioning right now. Interesting

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Just got to Margit (I don't advance very quickly).
Got my shit kicked in twice, now im exploring the round table place.

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I'm stuck at work :(

>First the message left by rogier, now this.

I'm in the castle still, left to explore and haven't even remembered to go back yet kek, think I'll do that now. This is the only thing I know about the game from scoping the wiki, because I knew hugging the thot or not would be some kind of major game changing decision. The bloodstain is part of a questline.

Wait, which castle? Don't tell me it's Stormveil.

Only reason I checked the stain was because we got kicked offline so I gas to go double check quit the game and open it up again.
The stain is still there.

The very first thing I did in the game was to storm through stormveil and kill Godrick, then I decided to explore the visible map but dong it in that order made me too powerful so I kinda curb stomped everything in there except for that corrupted wood snake in the starting area key dungeon which gave a good fight.

Now I have decided to go south and see what's good, I still feel pretty strong, so far I killed the guys invading the castle as well as a couple of overworld bosses, my next destination is the tree and west part of this map.

Can you miss invading NPCs?
I missed the guy who drops the hammer talisman and he won't appear for me when I go around that area now.

where do i go after radahn?

the city

Stuck on the final boss. Fuck the faggot devs that put a bullshit second phase in every fight to pad out the game as much as possible.

What's supposed to be the order for the Great Runes? No idea where to actually head next after Godrick. I have already explored most of the available map already, so I can probably teleport within 10 minutes of the bosses if I know where they actually are.

Exploring Weeping Peninsula, think I'm quite overleveled at 40 since Leonine just keeled over.
Fuck the spastic flying monkeys though.
Is there any way you can keep Irina alive?

Go northwest of Godrick for the second rune. The other 3 are sort of complicated, not gonna spoil anything but just explore and it'll be fine.

Altus Highland, tried to get into the capital from the front gate and ehhh, it wasn't the best of ideas. I'll give it another go

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just beat the big magma frog dude, now i'm at the plateau area
gonna upgrade my weapon then continue
the game is so easy once you pump up your vigor

Got to Linuria, into the Academy. The difficulty spike is crazy. Everything in the swamps around the Academy can one-shot me now
Also, I spent a long time going through Stormveil looking for secrets, and I can see places but I genuinely have no idea how to get to them. Especially that Stonekey gate that's two sided: n idea how to get to the side to unlock it

>just stumbled into the siofra river
Yeah I’m thinking we have a toast, a toast to one of the greatest games ever made

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I can't stop using the boat anchor

Just got to Radahn. Took a couple tries on him and can tell how he can be a pain in the ass but I was getting him into second phase pretty consistent so gonna sleep and beat him tomorrow

Killed Godrick just a bit ago, know full well that I probably won't use either Remembrance weapon but I'm still torn between the greataxe and the dragon fist. Pretty sure I've combed Stormveil Castle fully for goodies but I did see a blue-purple soul to collect earlier at the other side of a chasm I couldn't find a way to get to. Currently at the Great Lift farming Cuckoo Knights for their set.

>Go northwest of Godrick for the second rune.
So the moon queen boss is the next step up in strength?

>The other 3 are sort of complicated, not gonna spoil anything but just explore and it'll be fine.
I have already been exploring for hours now, my map is mostly filled up with Graces from finding all the areas I can even access right now.
Just please tell me the general area and order, at least. I don't want to be overlevelled for them like I was for Godrick.

Rogier gives you some insight after you finish the castle. He can be found at the Roundtable Hold above where you fight the invader.

Currently trying to find a glintstone key and my journey has taken me across half the planet for me to realize it's location is circled on a map in the notes inventory.

I was on my way to find the pot guy, came across Deathtouched Catacombs. Went through it, beat the boss and decided to put a summon sign down. Got summoned into another person's game, for the game to just close itself on me. Second time it's happened, could get frustrating if it happens more.

>Reach Godskin Noble in Volcano Manor, spend 2 hours fighting him because he's a fat rapier spamming asshole

>Reach AStel, Born From The Void or some shit that's the final boss of the longest quest chain in the game
>He dies in 2 attempts because he's just a regular boss instead of some asshole that throws out 20 attacks at once

I feel I'm nearing the 75% point of my playthrough. Starting to wrap things up. I have 4 of the Great Runes and just reached the capital.
This game is fucking amazing.
That said, Radahn is the worst fight in the series, easily. The God Eating Serpent pissed me off a bit, but at least he was a gimmick boss done right. Radahn is everything gone wrong.

Raya Lucaria Academy. Fantastic area with an incredible atmosphere, ambience. Kinda wish I went for an INT build after exploring it.

Will clean up the rest of Liurnia afterwards then go back to the southern peninsula as I completely forgot about it after Stormveil.

Faith build, haven't found any new faith tomes except a pyromancy-looking one. And no new catalysts (or whatever they're called) except for a strength-scaling one from the Beast guy but I'm not rolling STR so its useless


Is Castle Morne mandatory? The grace points towards it but it doesn't seem like anything more than an optional area

I beat Hogwarts and now I'm fucking around limgrave, caelid and liurnia for upgrades and gear

I finished the game, the last bosses suck. Godskin duo might be the worst boss in all of soulsborne, and the final boss is a tranny and Nessie.

Explore more my dude.
There's so many cool faith incantations, I got this eye laser in northern Liurnia.

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Anyone know if I fucked up by giving the Roundtable cleric prayerbooks he considers heresy? I just found out there's another cleric vendor not very far into the game (relatively speaking). Never know what's going to happen with From NPCs.

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>Can you miss invading NPCs?
Some invading NPCs only show up at specific times or after accomplishing specific tasks in your playthrough.

Go git gud some where else and level up etc..

The bone nunchucks are blowing my MIND

The 2nd-to-last boss should've been the final fight. Fuck the final boss.

Stormhill Evergaol dude is still kicking my shit in.

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Yeah, I figured I rushed to him too quick or something.

A toast!

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Stuck forever on Radahn.

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It's weird because I've seen clips of people FURTHER in the game than me spawning him, and people who haven't gone into stormveil yet are apparently having the issue with him not spawning.
I wonder if it's a bug?

Equip the buckler and parry him

Can we talk about how broken bloody slash is against like 90% of enemies?

After 30 hours I finally found a way to alter and upgrade armor. And it was in the starting area...

I wish I could give you tips but it's the most random bullshit fight in all of From's games. Just summon everyone you can then try and spam R2 strong attack at his back to stagger him. If everything goes right he dies very fast. If one thing goes wrong you get fucked very fast.

Made it.

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Time to get good at parrying my man. He's fucking tough, I think I spent more time trying to beat him than Margit.

You can upgrade armor?????????

You can get both by duplicating in a walking mausoleum.

>"Come, Oath Sworn Dragon."
>kills you instantly
Cool! So Fun! I'm having a blast!

Is maintenance over yet? I miss seeing the signs telling me to try fingers but hole

don't rush user, you'll miss a lot of good equips and spells if you just push forward

What do you need to open the gate?

Just take your time and don't get greedy trying to get in hits.

The tranny and Nessie is stupid.
A lot of the WA's do a metric fuckton of damage for no reason lategame, but bloody slash is one the few that's busted the entire game.