Was Shara Ishvalda better than Ibushi/Narwa?

Was Shara Ishvalda better than Ibushi/Narwa?

Attached: monster-hunter-world-shara-ishvalda-strategy-6031-1568389687207.jpg (1200x670, 399.54K)

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Fuck no. Shara was garbage design all through and through. Garbage phase 1 where you're chipping at its garbage hitzone armor and dodging giant slow ass garbage hitboxes with 30 second openings, followed by phase 2 of garbage easy bullshit laser dodging with very little variation, then garbage phase 3 with shaking ground and AOE garbage attacks. Also stacked up with a bloated ass health bar. Allmother is absolute perfect final boss for Rise.


Designwise? Fuck yeah. His looks and equipment looks great. I'm partial to the buddha's palm hammer myself.
Fightwise, nah. He's pretty easy. Great spectacle but not much of anything else. They could've fixed him up with an AT like they did for Xeno.
Ibu/Narwa/Allmother are some ugly mothers. Doesn't help that all their equipment are some of the shittiest looking in the whole franchise. Pretty decent fight though.

>I'm partial to the buddha's palm hammer myself
Post it?

definitely better overall

Google it

You can’t even fight Ibishu, like you just fight him during rampages. Like you just wyvern shot him to death or use the Gatling gun

I haven’t even played World and I think that one is better

>You can’t even fight Ibishu
okay shitter

I can't post images

There's an event quest for ibushi

Did numbers ruin it for anyone always?

I only use 2 attacks because it’s the most efficient dps

Depends on weapon. If Hammer then yea you are only gonna use 2 attacks in Rise.
Shara and Narwa are about on par fight wise. Ibushi is too basic and all mother is whatever

Are you comparing a Grank monster to what is essentially a HighRank one?

What are the 2 attacks for Rise

After playing older monhuns and going back to rise I just turned off damage numbers and stopped caring
Unless you're a speedrun fag it literally does not matter

I love this fight, and am sad we didn't get an AT.

Attached: 20220210000231_1.jpg (1920x1080, 470.28K)


Is that actually the highest dps formula

Yes, cool design, cool phase transition and fun gimmick. I wanted arch tempered version so bad, fuck you capcom

It has the best music in the franchise

Yes. The list goes
>Shara Ishvalda = Ahtal Ka
>Shagaru Magala
>Nakarkos = Ceadeus
>SEX dragons
>The void of non-existence
>Dire Miralis

Ibushi and Narwha's themes are really good though.
