So how many game communities have they've destroyed?

So how many game communities have they've destroyed?

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>likely leftwing/socialist
if you think this you're the 30 year old grifter

>likely leftwing
They are just as likely to be right wing, actually, more likely.

these guys are centrist actually

i'm sure you are one of many that turned cool things into irredeemable cancer.

You’re wrong. There have been a massive influx of left grifters ever since trump ran for president the first time. BLM alone made over 100 million dollars. Where have you been the last 6 years?

Fun fact, grifters don't like to be called out

>There have been a massive influx of left grifters ever since trump ran for president the first time
Lmao, I saw way way way more right grifters from 2014 onward.
So many fucking thots got on the right wing gravy train like 2016 and it was fucking insufferable.
They switched to being trad grifters.

Also, how many manosphere grifters have there been?
How many blacks and Mexicans got on the "I'm a minority AND conservative and I'm running (insert D+25 distract here) please send me money" gravy train?

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>>likely leftwing/socialist
>if you think this you're the 30 year old grifter

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quote fail

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So we not gonna give examples of communities they've destroyed? Think I'm gonna put Any Forums on the list.

Rightoid grifters are cringe but they aren't hypocritical. Muh Capitalism and all that. Fags like Vaush and that arab guy are the nigs.

>Rightoid grifters are cringe but they aren't hypocritical
lmao, yes they are
>Muh degeneracy
All fucking day long they bitch and they have onlyfans accounts.

who is the right wing equivalent of Hasan duping innocent commie kids out of money to fuel his rich boi lifestyle?


Gavin Mcnuggets isn't right wing.

um are we being raided? yikes. go back to your website leftypol
this is a tranny word. Go back.
>lmao, yes they are
you can FEEL the trannium radiating off this post GO BACK

I'm not a leftist, you stupid faggot.
And just because you're retarded and fall for the many many many grifters that populate the right sphere of the internet doesn't make me a leftist for pointing it out.

this one

That's literally every manosphere youtuber for the most part.
Selling "consulting" and tickets to lectures and shit.

>I'm not a leftist, you stupid faggot.
And just because you're retarded and fall for the many many many grifters that populate the right sphere of the internet doesn't make me a leftist for pointing it out.

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/qa/ lost

I also want to point out that grifters start arguments to divert attention from themselves. Hence why they immediately came in and started shitting up the thread, completely ignoring the point of the thread.

Fucking based. Gritting is a libertarian right activity.

So why do people love making pseudo horoscopes?