The gameplay trailer never actually happens in the game

>the gameplay trailer never actually happens in the game

Attached: Horizon-Forbidden-West.jpg (750x500, 172.81K)

I want to become trans.

Good way to avoid spoilers in the marketing. God of War did the same thing, that original gameplay demo mission wasn't in the game.

Why would you even play this garbage

The shitch has no games

First one was pretty good for the $20 I paid for it.

You could be playing Elden Ring right now instead.

>Playing Elden Flop

Why did the first game felt like they purposely avoided letting us mount those dino bots? They instead opt for an assassin's creed rip off of climbing a tall dinosaur for map reveal which got old pretty fast but I agree, it was still a pretty fun game

I asked myself who would buy this over elden ring and then I remembered all the crying about the "unfair" difficulty in elden ring and remembered just who the target audience is for these games. People who want to feel like they're playing well without any real challenge.

>a challenging video game
What a childish oxymoron
>Any Forums

>a single player game is a challenge
You just have to crunch more hours in every game. Whether to level up your guy or to figure out patterns. If you want a real challenge high level battle arena games is where it's at. I notice that most DS fans are bad at multiplayer games so there's that.

People don't just complain about the difficulty of Souls games but also how "obtuse" they are. They want the organic discovery removed. There were people arguing that Elden Ring should have a quest log because it's "2022" and it would "sell more copies and get new people."

I've been playing both and dipping back into DRG when I feel like it
Genuinely has been years since I had 2+ engaging games simultaneously on the go

>old man forgets that videogames are also intended for children and teens who may not have the autistic skills, interest and game culture to seek a challenging experience as an old virgin who wants every game to tingle their gamer taint.

It's another one of those episodes, right?

i just played the first one a couple weeks ago and it is such concentrated aaa tedium i cannot fathom being the kind of normie who would enjoy this shit. it's just garbage, it's a garbage game made by an algorithm, it is the definition of soulless. endless boring shitty dialog, every quest structure is 'follow your Witcher senses' every encounter is just slow down time and shoot the weak spot. GARBAGE.


the target audience isn't even complete normalfags anyways (that's Nintendo games), this game is just for the kind of people permanently stuck on their awkward early 2010s tumblr phase, the whole thing was always tailored for them even back when the art style for the protagonist wasn't "realistic goblina". To anyone that doesn't fit in there Horizon has always been bargain bin tier, people who are actually into games can see the thick layer of award-bait (lol) from a mile away and normalfags just have it because it was included with the console or massively discounted.


Post your 1CC

>playing Ubishit games