I don't really see why Compile Heart and Idea Factory get so much shit in the JRPG community...

I don't really see why Compile Heart and Idea Factory get so much shit in the JRPG community. Pic related is absolutely amazing and as someone who actually enjoys that raw "number go up" gameplay I'd say this is more fun than Disgaea.

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hating Fairy Fencer and Neptunia is a forced meme.

Neptunia. Too few people played the rest of their catalogue to know there's unironically quality stuff in there.

Attached: bddc13c43.jpg (1280x1850, 3.05M)

It must be the 2nd and 3rd games which sullied their reputation, because Re;Birth1 and Megadimension Neptunia are just as good as Fairy Fencer F or Mary Skelter. Hell, even Death End Re;Quest has an extensive amount of Neptunia's DNA in it

The original HDN on PS3 was bad, not sure how many people saw Re;Birth and were willing to give it another chance.

need to play Skelter 2

Was the full version of the adf opening song ever released?

As someone who has stayed away from these games, it looks like low budget shovelware. The character designs specifically are boring and make me not want to play the games.

The only legit BAD Neptunia games are the PS3 original and then Super Neptunia RPG (canadian shit). The rest are at the very worst average but not offensively bad by any means.

>The character designs specifically are boring and make me not want to play the games.

the artist also does art for a shitty harem LN, Date a Live

>hating based Tsunako
are colors and non angst ridden serious shit too much for you?

she is a good artist but sometimes the art is tied to something that is shit, like Date a Live.

i like compile heart. they're a cheap-and-cheery studio that enjoys making games, kind of like falcom.

i honestly really liked fariy fencer but the retreading toward the end really sucked

this they stick to their guns and do what they like and what their fans keep coming back for instead of trying to reinvent the wheel every entry and giving us steamed shit abortions like FF15.

>inb4 barry

I'm sorry, but dal was kino and peak battle harem

Attached: retard3.jpg (1280x820, 257.41K)

>and peak battle harem

please, last time I tried watching something that was "and peak battle harem" I ended up wasting my time watching 2 episodes of Infinite Stratos and I dropped it so hard and swore to never watch another harem LN

Fairy Fencer is by far their best game and even then it's just merely okay.

My only experience with Neptunia was Re;Birth and it was a standard bargain bin bottom of the barrel JRPGs. I can only imagine that people put it on such a pedestal because cute girls and they needed something to play on the Vita.

90% of why people said the original was bad at the time was because it ran at 10-15fps in battles and 20-25fps outside of battles. emulation fixes that problem. The only other complaint i mostly saw was having to re-run those connector dungeons every time you want to move to another nation.

I'm not into JRPGs but I really enjoy Neptunia, are the rest of their games good?

The only one I've touched was Neptunia Rebirth, and I found the gameplay boring at best and the characters/world/visuals/story grating, though that's obviously up to taste and I didn't get very far. Even if you enjoy the aesthetics, I feel like Neptunia and probably the rest of the Compile Heart ouvre are second or third-tier stuff, stuff you play because you've already played the essential JRPGs.

rest of their games are alight

I've never tried one honestly, only because everyone's always hating on them. What are their games usually all about anyways?

Only other games I tried was Fairy Fencer and Omega Quintet. It's definitely feels like the Tales series where (mostly) the characters will be carrying you through them. Gameplay's usually alright.

Fang is absolutely based so I do recommend Fairy Fencer.