Why aren't you playing on inverted controls Any Forums?

Why aren't you playing on inverted controls Any Forums?

Attached: 2536706-4664840603-2XbRM.jpg (656x637, 36.53K)

Put the nub on his forehead and your point become moot.

why are you playing only with vertical inverted and not horizontal too by that logic, huh?


because its retarded for idiots

your pic related
like is that how you comprehend head movements?
when you look up do you pull your neck down from behind? or do you just look up like a person would and should?

your pic related is literally how an npc moves his head because the control isnt from within the brain its from external forces
fucking loser
i bet 100% you are old and play fps games on console one hundred percent

I used to because Red Faction on PS2 came with inverted iirc and I played a bunch of flying games before that.

I eventually trained myself out of it just because it was such a pain in the ass whenever I went to a friends house to switch it over every time we switched around.

I used to play inverted but then one day I went back to regular and never touched it again.

Inverted freaks always use dumbass pictures like these to justify their freak preference. However, funnily enough they NEVER use inverted for the X-asis, despite it following the exact same "logic" they are using to justify their shit.

Do you invert left and right too, OP? I didn't think so, you fucking idiot lol

>default on-foot controls
>inverted flight controls

Attached: g1.jpg (1280x720, 64.66K)

how come inverted feels correct in an airplane, but incorrect in a spaceship?

Attached: 2294_Mission_Posters_Webb_English-1200.jpg (1200x1800, 835.23K)

When I play games I forget that some of them have invert by default and I don't realize I was playing with inverted controls until I switch to a different game. Am I retarded?

I only invert left stick look in mgs twin snakes and 2 cuz of oot and mm

qol thing lol

Because I'm not a skyrim dev and I didn't put a fucking plane on my character's head.

Gravity, air resistance


I live in Australia

Attached: 1584532265465.webm (320x532, 2.06M)

normal controls:
>want to look up? push the joystick up
inverted controls:
>want to look up? push the joystick down for ??? reasons

I use inverted controls for console fps games but normal for third person or anything with a mouse.

I just use whatever the game is set to.
It takes longer to fuck with the settings than to get reoriented.

Because its stupid.

I do :)

My name is Anonymous and I invert BOTH of my axes.

imagine this picture but for WASD and he's being pushed forward by the S key

normal controls:
>want to look up-right
>move mouse up-right
>want to look up-right
>move mouse down because you are pulling on the guy's hair, but then right because uh----

i genuinely dont understand, the gravity in space is lesser than on earth but still

so if you took an airplaine up into space you would invert the controls?

I think "look up" not "better yank the back of my skull down" you dork.

This. Inverted is inverted.

Attached: yui borger.gif (283x292, 195.18K)

How is an airplane in space different from a space ship? That's like saying a car in space is different from a space ship