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that was a kino fight

Do the summon signs increase his health?

i do decent damage to him but he keeps one shotting me, gonna hold off on this fight for a while.

Fuck the new way they handled AI aggro. It's too fucking random especially with how many attacks are lightning fast and can't be dodged. Radahn is a fucking asshole because one second he'll be occupied with my allies, and the next he'll insta-turn around and slap me with an instagib attack. And don't even get me started on the fucking bullshit spells he can throw out that if they hit you you're guaranteed dead.

i don't think so, that would be fucked up

yeah, i'm never sure of when i should attack

>great run, second phase with 5 flasks left
>full army up
>radahn occupied
>go in for an attack
>randomly swings behind him, knocks me off my horse and kills me because he flails around like a retard


Piss easy fight compared to malenia, git gud

this boss exists to troll speedrunners

i didn't get to her yet, now i'm scared.

Summoning people before the fight increases the health and "poise" of all bosses that I know of.

Why do every boss and mini boss in this game just throw out so much relentless attacks
I thought it was insane how much stamina you started with but since you're supposed to spam rolls it's needed. Hell they even buffed the END stat by tying load capacity to it or else no one would bother

I wish I could do this battle on horseback but being on horse basically makes it impossible to dodge his magic missiles

This has been the case for every souls game prior to elden ring so presumably yes

Ok I'm done. anyone want to join up and fuck this nigger? I'm looking for signs under password FUCKRADA

On PC, btw.

>giving up
go back to BOTW

>Summon all of the NPC’s
>As soon as they reach him and he turns into melee mode and I mount torrent
>Torrent rides off into the distance while my character is frozen mid animation in the air
>You died
My first bug in the game and it had to be to this fucker.

You should be if you're melee.

i think he's talking about the summons inside the arena

Fuck you nigger, I'm done with this gay-ass rng bullshit. If I can't do anything to read the boss' attack pattern then I'm not gonna bother. If I want to play a game of chance I'll go to a fucking casino.

I can get him to 20% health and then he one shots me with a spell from across the arena. Probably my least favourite boss so far. Pisses me off because the setting and presentation of it is kino.

i am... oh god, maybe i should make some arrows.

>its another "retard fights boss while underleveled and complaims he gets one-shotted" thread

summoning patches for a laugh is allways fun

i'm level 48, is that underleveled?

the whole area was piss-easy, it's just the boss that's a stupid fucking gimmick nigger.


SL64 here, there's no way that's underleveled

>boss has back turned, obviously aggro'd onto a summon
>get close
>boss does his super fast "oh no person trying to get behind me" attack
>follows it up with big sweeps

is there any way to upgrade armor? i'm still using the first samurai gear

I enjoyed it, fight me. Had bloodhound sword +6 and morningstar +16 for this fight, latter was much more effective. Summoned everyone and tried to burst down/stagger him as aggressively as possible, after properly getting his attacks it worked. Seriously it's one of most fun fights in all souls games if you aren't trying cheese it with some gay kiting, why do people hate it?

Armor really isn't a big deal later in the game.
Those "damage negation" numbers are flat off-the-top.
So an 11.0 vs. slash means it will do 345 instead of 356, which is basically meaningless.

How do I even get to this guy? I’m in the castle in Carlos and currently stuck on crucible knight and the other asshole. Love reused bosses bravo, From.

Just go for fashion, leveling up increases your defense and resistances


If the catnigger and the knight are there you're not ready. They disappear later, you don't need to beat them. Go somewhere else.