I love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

Attached: jellyfren.jpg (300x170, 4.55K)

Red jellyfish make up 100% of all jellyfish attacks. White jellyfish are more civilized.

needs all the love he can get after he just became the only member in his family

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White jellyfish turn into red jellyfish, though

Only through radicalisation.

and what caused the white jellyfish to turn red?
perhaps it has something to do with being attacked

Wolves > jellyfish

Sorry not sorry

Watch the language, chud

best girl


yeah I have to agree, they've been more useful to me.
The jellyfish staying in one spot means it gets ko'd pretty easily.
The wolves can at least spread out and buy some time.

Jelly has assloads of health, though

you didn't upgrade your jelly that's why
mine can get a shit ton of hits and still have more than half ot its health

Those jellys are mad that there master was killed and are floating in vigil over his corpse. Oh Jellys loyal and brave. Weak and slow but will never stop trying. I want to be a Jelllyyyyy

How well do spirits scale anyway

the game doesn't give you any numbers and I didn't check the wiki but a +0 jelly can get killed with margit in 10 hits while a +3 tanked like 25

>That one noble who shittalks Godrick and then asks you to free his castle from a generic mob.
That guy was a nice breath of fresh air from all the depressing characters, I hope he makes it.

How do you upgrade summons?

After you meet the girl in the shack out side stormveil go inside the roundtable are and speak to her and the blacksmith about her spirit tuner potential.
Then leave the roundtable area and come back and she'll have learned how to tune your summons.

talk with rodrika (the british girl that talks about limbs near the bonfire before margit entrance)
talk to her again at the round table
talk with the smith
talk with her again
talk with the smith

and that's it, next time you tp to the round table she'll be next to the smith, you need grave gloveworts to upgrade your ashes, catacombs and the beach behind castle menor has some.

best mist so far, absolutey busted in boss fights.

Do a little back and forth with roderika and the blacksmith and she sets up shop that lets you upgrade with dungeon/cave plants

Why did the roundtable have to be some mystical alternate dimension pocket space? Couldnt it have just been a location on the map?


keep playing

How do you get her to show up at Round table? She's still chilling in the shack for me. I've beat Magrit so far