Will he get filtered?

Well Any Forums?

Attached: drdsr.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Is that angry Joe?

This guy is playing Elden Ring? I thought he was a normalfag that only played first person shooters and battle royale games? He didn't strike me as someone into JRPG's or Souls-like games.

It's DrDisrespect, he cheated on his wife and flirted/slept with an underage girl, also someone did a drive by on his house one time, and he is now divorced. He's a popular streamer, and I have no idea why. He mostly just plays FPS games and wears a comedic looking wig with shitty mirrored sunglasses as his signature "look" or at least I thought it was a wig.

He's going for that 1980's LA loose cannon cop look.

souls is peak normal fag

He'll just cheat lol


It's not as normalfag as the battle royale and FPS genre.

Yes once he gets to the bathroom level, its over.

Don't forget he also wears a fake combat vest for some fucking reason.

>underage girl

Sounds like a reddit bedtime story

>I thought he was a normalfag
He is, he is trying to block the attacks instead of rolling, he also chose confessor but its trying to use a Claymore, rolling will be impossible to him.

you have no idea why?
Then just do what he does and make millions of dollars a year you not talent spastic fuck.

>blocking instead of rolling.

You havent played it have you?

>This guy is playing Elden Ring? I thought he was a normalfag
Lmao, cretin still thinks soles are some obscure elite games for hardcore gamers such as myself.
Jesus Christ, this fanbase is pathetic.

Let me elaborate, he is trying to block the yellow attacks, its over for him.

>for some reason
He's literally an after school daycare for zoomers. He's a children's entertainer

>Yes once he gets to the bathroom level, its over
>Ha ha le funny retardera/twitter joke
Only retards get triggered by the bathroom incident, always projecting their inner pedo.

Attached: 705.jpg (1440x810, 140.96K)

>Found the Dr. Disrespect fan
>Liking streamers


Okay, normalfag. Go watch some SPORTS and get drunk after a hardcore session at the gym.

>I thought he was a normalfag that only played first person shooters and battle royale games?
I've never understood this attitude - both of those are harder than any fromsoft games

>Only retards get triggered by the bathroom incident, always projecting their inner pedo.
Your response seems triggered. Tough grass pussy.

No, u.

>Goes for a 2nd hug
Yep, im thinking based.

Attached: our_guy.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

At first I thought that user was calling the guy in OP's Pic a pajeet.