His beverage of choice while gaming isn't Pepsi

>His beverage of choice while gaming isn't Pepsi

Look here-LOOK HERE!...LOOK, LISTEN!!!!

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Beverage of choice? It's water.

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>My gaming beverage of choice? Obviously: lime soda water to cure my drymouth after getting high.

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If you were given $50 million dollars if you could "My Fair Lady" him into a fit gentlemen, could you do it?

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I rarely drink carbonated beverages.

What was his problem

coke > pepsi
diet pepsi > diet coke
prove me wrong

coke is good with something else
pepsi is good by itself

diet cola is for fags

based as fuck

I did say the age of consent should be 12

sparkling water or bust

spoiled manchild like us
except he accepts the lifestyle

black people don't tip

Finally someone gets it

Since we're not allowed to say water, hard iced tea is also good.

I thought that was Jews and Asians.

real talk ban anyone who says diet coke is better

i dont drink soda but im willing to give this shit a chance specailly if is not too fattening.

Attached: nitro-pepsi-850x478.jpg (850x478, 49.59K)

Anybody still up with PKA?

Every week I spend 4 hours getting mad at people who have no idea what they're talking about

Cherriwine or Water for me.

>Nitrogen infused
What does putting nitrogen in it do?

the same shit those guiness cans do, make it really foamy and its a non carbonated drink

so it will have the texture of icecream or something

I could use some of the money to build a cement prison cell to trap him in with nothing but a treadmill, floor mat, and a toilet, then just give him grilled chicken and vegetables twice a day through the hole at the top.

Uhhhhh I don't drink such immature drinks *snort* I'm a mature adult who drinks gin dood