Is it really the best game of all time?

Is it really the best game of all time?

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Either this or FFXIV. Other games just can't compete

Read a book, tranny.


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no, not even close

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>calling someone a tranny

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It's not even the best Nier game

It's a 7/10

No but it was the best game of its generation for how cleverly it used the medium to present its story from different viewpoints, and drive in its themes.

>No but it was the best game of its generation

hahah, either this or bloodborne huh. or I guess fortnite.

What a generation.

I wish I could impart to you younger guys, the feeling of me clicking on a skeleton and hitting it for the first time in Diablo 1. I wish I could somehow serve that to a nigga.

The open world in Elden Ring is already bad, Nier Automata is just agonizing.

What? You don't like "office building" "field" and "desert"?

no fuck the story and fuck that shit end ,if I need to read a book to understand the fucking sotry they can suck my balls ,but very nice porn .

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I'm turning 35 this summer, you faggot.
N:A is literally top tier video game.

im gonna get my girlfriend to dress up as her while we have sex

Only troons browse Reddit, hurry up and kill yourself.

Fuck no, it's one of Yoko Taros worst games and he knows it, reddit latched onto it for the shallow themes/gameplay and 2Bs ass

Fuck no, not even close. It's boring. Only thirsty virgins think its the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Only literal underaged, ADHD zoom zoom kissless virgins who hate video games could even try to deny the sheer beauty and profoundness of Nier Automata.

It's a game that elevates the games to a state of art, all while being an absolute blast to play. I can see myself revisiting this masterpiece over and over again in the future.

This but unironically.

Cope seethe and dilate niertranny

>sheer beauty and profoundness of Nier Automata
Why bother playing shitty game for Le philosophy when I read it in a books. The enormous cope of Nierfags, holy shit

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99% chance this schizo is a drooling Nintenpedo.