ITT: 10/10 ideas ruined by shitty gameplay

ITT: 10/10 ideas ruined by shitty gameplay

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PXZ's core gameplay wasn't bad, it was just marred by poor resource mechanics and tedious level design.
2 more or less perfected the formula and I'm sad 3 is never going to happen.

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Filtered dumb zoomer.

What matters more was the characters interactions.

The gameplay isn't shitty. It's fun and i enjoy every replay.
I enjoyed this one too.
>tfw we never got Dark Souls, Slaughterhouse, God Hand, Asura's Wrath or MadWorld in PXZ

The sequel is drastically better in gameplay
You actually enjoyed PSASBR's retarded "you only get kills from supers" gameplay?

I think some things in 2 could be improved or further developed (difficulty, RMC not being worth the resources) but it's pretty solid.

Even if 3 never happens, I hope we get EF3 or something similar. Can't live without Shinra goodness.


Street Fighter X Tekken
The concept is so good and they even pulled off translating the Tekken cast to 2D. They just masterfully fucked up the game's mechanics and had it be the game with 12 on-disc DLC characters and 5 console-exclusive characters.

I miss SFxT Steve so much.

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PSASBR was unironically a godlike casual game. 4 player FFA with friends and meter gain sent to max was the most fun I ever had.

Gameplay was great. Just don't use items and the game will be a lot more fun as you have to actually strategize. The only major flaw is that hard mode is locked behind NG+

I hated what 2 did with the gameplay, everything had like no HP and the facing mechanic made it a breeze to oneshot mostly everything.
If we ever would have gotten 3, I would have liked NXC's mechanics with PXZ1's pace. NXC was the best game mechanically but the insanely slow pace really fucks it over.

>potentially good game gets ruined by hack business decisions
hate it when that happens

>You actually enjoyed PSASBR's retarded "you only get kills from supers" gameplay?
Yeah. I find it fun to just beat down my opponents. No matter how i'm supposed to win it's just fun to have Sweet Tooth stomping on Big Daddy and shoot Sly Cooper in the face with a shot gun while Hades is getting his ass handed to him by Patapons.

We're never gonna get Tekken X Street Fighter are we?

didn't harada said he's still working on it?

He did. Over half a decade ago.

It's good except for the damage sponges even generic enemies become later on. That's not helped by overpopulating every level past 20 with an abundance of enemies. Like others have already stated they fixed a lot of the issues in the sequel.

That Mario & Luigi x Paper Mario crossover

>Mario & Luigi x Paper Mario crossover
wait what

Also the shitty characters and story

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