Nazi scum

Nazi scum.

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The Old Blood was much better than any of the others.

Did they ever explain the artistic choice of making you mash a button to pick up ammo and health instead of just being able to run over it?

Health I could almost understand because of overcharge, but why ammo?

Was he always Jewish or was that something they did for this game?


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count to four...


count to four...


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>No MetaWolfenstein
Wolfenstein 3D: 2 Polish parents, the mother is Jewish
MachineGames: Jewish mother and American dad
This also means Doomguy is no longer related to BJ

Nazis cum

Hans, kill him! And zis' time... do not leave zhe cart, dummkopf!

No, I've played every Wolfenstein game since 3D as a kid, and I never remember it mentioned him being Jewish, not even in the hint books and strategy guides.

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Never got around to playing New Colossus but New Order and Old Blood were genuinely very good games with fun gameplay and engaging stories.

tom hall said his mom was jewish on twitter but he doesn't work at id for years
but the polish immigrants were mentioned in a strategy guide

Yeah true, I remember him being Polish-American, but not Jewish. Don't really care one way or the other, but the BJ of the Nu-Wolfenstein series is definitely a little different from the BJ of Wolf 3D's continuity if you follow the lore.

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tom hall said his intention was making him a polish jew, he said this on twitter in 2014, before wolf 2 was released and confirmed BJ was jewish from his mother's side

why wont bethesda/microsoft port the wolfenstein/doom RPG games to modern consoles and PC?

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I feel like they did it to add to the desperation and intensity of each combat encounter. Instead of just running around scooping up ammo like a vacuum, you have to pay attention, but it really is a dumb design decision because instead of focusing on the enemy, you're fixated on the ground for way too much. It's not a dealbreaker, but all it entails is that you're forced to spam the activate key over and over during the entire game.

They really should've stopped at Old Blood. New Colossus was cringe and not very fun.

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He was always obviously Jewish.
Jews are notorious for heroism, physical fitness, and fighting their own battles.

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Way to ruin it. He'll always be an AMERICAN pollack to me.

How did his muscle not atrophy?


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